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Understanding the Skin CSS File

Styles for RadControls are defined using Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) syntax. Each style consists of a selector that identifies an HTML element to be styled, and property/value pairs that describe each of the style specifics, e.g. color, padding, margins, etc. For example, the ".RadPanelBar_Default" style shown below loads the background image that is used for every item in a panel bar with the "Default" skin:

.RadPanelBar_Default { 
    background: #5c5c5c url('PanelBar/background.gif') repeat-x bottom center;

See the CSS Skin FileSelectors topic for more information on the specific CSS selectors used for RadPanelBar skins.

Each style maps to a "class" attribute in an HTML tag. For example, consider the excerpt from the HTML rendering of a panel bar shown below:

<div id="RadPanelBar1" class="RadPanelBar RadPanelBar_Default ">
    <ul class="rpRootGroup">
        <li class="rpItem rpFirst"><a href="#" class="rpLink rpExpandable"><span class="rpText">
            One</span> </a>
            <div class="rpSlide">
                <ul class="rpGroup rpLevel1 ">
                    <li class="rpItem rpFirst"><a href="#" class="rpLink rpExpandable"><span class="rpText">
                        i</span> </a>
                        <div class="rpSlide">
                            <ul class="rpGroup rpLevel2 ">
    <input id="RadPanelBar1_ClientState" name="RadPanelBar1_ClientState" type="hidden" />

The control is rendered as a DIV element with the class "RadPanelBar RadPanelBar_Default". Each level of items in the hierarchy is rendered as another DIV element nested within the main DIV. The items at a level are rendered as an unordered list, where each list element is a item.

Here is a more detailed breakdown of the rendered markup:

Root tag

The panel bar is rendered as a DIV tag. Here is an excerpt from the example above:

<div id="RadPanelBar1" class="RadPanelBar RadPanelBar_Default ">
    <!-- content goes here -->

The ID attribute of the DIV tag is set to the ClientID property of the RadPanelBar control. As you can see, two CSS classes have been applied: "RadPanelBar" and "RadPanelBar_Default". The "RadPanelBar" class is always applied. It defines the basic presentation of the panel bar which is common for all skins. The "RadPanelBar_Default" class is applied because the Skin of the panel bar is set to "Default". If the panel bar had a right-to-left orientation, two additional classes would be applied: "RadPanelBar_Default_rtl" and "rpRtl".

If you set the Style or CssClass property of the RadPanelBar control they would be applied to the DIV tag as well:

<telerik:radpanelbar runat="server" id="RadPanelBar1" skin="Default" cssclass="MyPanelBar"
    style="position: relative; z-index: 1000">

Root level items

The root level items are rendered as an unordered list (UL) where each item is a list item (LI):

<ul class="rpRootGroup">
 <li class="rpItem rpFirst">
   <!-- first item content -->
 <li class="rpItem">
   <!-- second item content -->
 <li class="rpItem rpLast">
   <!-- last item content -->

The UL element for the root items has the "rpRootGroup" class applied. The LI for each item has the "rpItem" class applied. In addition, the first item has the "rpFirst" class applied and the last element has the "rpLast" class applied.

If an item acts as a separator, it has the "rpSeparator" class applied to the LI element.

Child groups

Groups of child items (which are rendered nested inside the content of the parent item), have a similar structure to the root level items:

<div class="rpSlide">
 <ul class="rpGroup rpLevel1 ">
   <li class="rpItem rpFirst">
     <!-- content of first child -->
   <li class="rpItem">
     <!-- content of middle child -->
   <li class="rpItem rpLast">
     <!-- content of last child -->

The entire group is rendered as a DIV element with the "rpSlide" class applied. This is used for animated effects, and can be ignored for purposes of styling the panel bar.

Inside the DIV element is a UL element, similar to the one for the root group, but with the "rpGroup" class applied instead of "rpRootGroup". In addition, a class identifying the level is applied. In the example above, this is "rpLevel1". For level two items, it is "rpLevel2", and so on. If you set the ChildGroupCssClass property of the parent item, this is the element that gets that class applied.

The items themselves are rendered in exactly the same way as root level items.

Item content

Inside the LI element for each child, an item is rendered as an A element, along with a DIV element if the item has a template assigned, and another DIV if the item has child items:

<li class="rpItem">
 <a href="#" class="rpLink rpExpandable">
   <img alt="" src="images/panel_First.gif" class="rpImage" />
   <span class="rpText">i</span>
 <div class="rpTemplate">
   <!-- template content here -->
 <div class="rpSlide">
   <ul class="rpGroup rpLevel2 ">
      <!-- next level child items here -->

The A element for the item has the "rpLink" class applied. If the item has child items, it also gets the "rpExpandable" class applied (when it is unexpanded) or the "rpExpanded" class applied if it is expanded. If the item is selected, this element gets the "rpSelected" class applied. If the item is disabled, it gets the "rpDisabled" class applied. When clicked, it gets the "rpClicked" class applied. When it has focus, it gets the "rpFocused" class. This is also the element that gets any class assigned to the CssClass property of the item.

Inside the A element for an item, the image and text of the item are rendered as IMG and SPAN elements. The image gets the "rpImage" class applied, and the SPAN gets the "rpText" class applied.

If the item has a template, this is rendered as a DIV element with the "rpTemplate" class assigned, which follows the A element for the item.


Separators are rendered similarly to other elements, but without the A element, because they do not respond to user actions:

<li class="rpItem rpSeparator">
 <span class="rpText"><hr></span>

See Also