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RadMaskedTextBox uses a mask string to control the text the user can enter. The string is composed of one or more of the mask elements, as shown the table below:


Mask ElementMaskPart classDescription
#DigitMaskPartDigit or space (optional). If this position is blank in the mask, it is rendered as a prompt character.
LUpperMaskPartUppercase letter (required). Restricts input to the ASCII letters A-Z.
lLowerMaskPartLowercase letter (required). Restricts input to the ASCII letters a-z.
aFreeMaskPartAccepts any character. If this position is blank in the mask, it is rendered as a prompt character.
<n..m>NumericRangeMaskPartRestricts the user to an integer in the declared numeric range. Numeric range mask parts can occupy multiple positions.
<n...m>LongRangeMaskPartRestricts the user to an integer in the declared numeric range. For the internal representation of the value is used Int64(Long) type.
<Option1|Option2|Option3>EnumerationPartRestricts the user to one of a fixed set of options. The pipe("|") serves as a separator between the option values.
*LiteralPartWhen adding * character to the Mask it appears as literal. In case it is added to the DisplayMask the * symbol appears on blur.
\N/AEscape character, allowing the following character to act as literal text. For example "\a" is the character "a" rather than including a free mask part. "\\" is the literal back slash character.
Any other charactersLiteralPartAll non-mask elements appear as themselves. Literals alwaysoccupy a static position in the mask at run time, and cannot be moved or deleted by the user.

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