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Working With Templates

Before beginning to work with templates, check out the following articles:

NestedViewTemplate and DetailItemTemplate are server templates and are not supported with client-side binding.

When declaring GridTemplateColumn with custom EditItemTemplate, RadGrid will try to automatically get/set the values in the editor control. For example if you have a single nested input element in a table as shown below, the internal logic will find the input element and get/set its value.

When the EditMode is set to Batch data binding expressions are not allowed in the EditItemTemplate. RadGrid will set the editor's value with JavaScript.

A sample template where the grid will automatically get/set the value of the textbox

<div class="container">
    <span>Header text</span>
                    <asp:TextBox ID="TextBox" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
        Footer container</div>

In a more complicated scenario (like multiple editor/input controls) RadGrid cannot determine the correct input control. In such cases, you must use the batch editing client-side events to set the values of the cell and editor with our own code according to your logic. A list of all four events required for implementing this is shown below.

When handling particular event the args.set_cancel(true) should be called to cancel the default code execution.

  • OnBatchEditGetCellValue—allows you to get the content from the server that is initially rendered in the ItemTemplate of the cell. You can use it to parse complex structures (e.g., several Label instances) so you can pass that to the editor through the args.set_value() method. This object is passed to the OnBatchEditSetEditorValue handler.

  • OnBatchEditSetCellValue—allows you to populate the content in the ItemTemplate according to the data returned by the editor(s). You can get the editor data from the args.get_value() method. You provide that object in the OnBatchEditGetEditorValue handler.

  • OnBatchEditGetEditorValue—allows you to get the editor(s) data from the EditItemTemplate and prepare it according to your logic so you can pass it to the OnBatchEditSetCellValue handler. Use the args.set_value() method to do that.

  • OnBatchEditSetEditorValue—allows you to populate the editor(s) in the EditItemTemplate according to the data you provided in the OnBatchEditGetCellValue handler. Use the args.get_value() method to get that object.

If you want to include a custom object as a value, you must implement two of its methods:

  • equals—A function determining if two objects are equal. The grid uses that to check whether the data it gets from the cell is the same as the data provided by the editors.
  • toString—A function returning the string value representation of the object. The grid uses that to send the data to the server when you hit Save Changes (see the server-side API of the batch editing mode).

The example below demonstrates such a comlex scenario. It uses two different text box controls that display the First name and Last Name of a Person. The implementation is specific to the concrete scenario in terms of accessing controls and data, and using objects.

The template column declaration

<telerik:GridTemplateColumn HeaderText="Name" UniqueName="FirstLastName">
    <HeaderStyle Width="250px" />
        <asp:Label ID="LabelFirstName" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("FirstName") %>'></asp:Label>
        <asp:Label ID="LabelLastName" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("LastName") %>'></asp:Label>
        <telerik:RadTextBox RenderMode="Lightweight" ID="RadTextBoxFirstName" runat="server" Width="100px"></telerik:RadTextBox>
        <asp:TextBox ID="TextBoxLastName" runat="server" Width="100px"></asp:TextBox>

The custom Person JavaScript object with equals and toString functions implemented

var Person = function (firstName, lastName)
    this.firstName = firstName;
    this.lastName = lastName;
Person.prototype.equals = function (person)
    if (this.firstName === person.firstName &&
this.lastName === person.lastName)
        return true;
    return false;
Person.prototype.toString = function ()
    return this.firstName + " " + this.lastName;

The subscription of the events

    <ClientEvents OnBatchEditGetCellValue="GetCellValue" OnBatchEditGetEditorValue="GetEditorValue"
        OnBatchEditSetCellValue="SetCellValue" OnBatchEditSetEditorValue="SetEditorValue" />

Sample events implementation

function GetCellValue(sender, args)
    if (args.get_columnUniqueName() === "FirstLastName")
        var container = args.get_container();
        var firstName = $telerik.findElement(container, "LabelFirstName").innerHTML;
        var lastName = $telerik.findElement(container, "LabelLastName").innerHTML;
        args.set_value(new Person(firstName, lastName));

function SetCellValue(sender, args)
    if (args.get_columnUniqueName() === "FirstLastName")
        var container = args.get_container(),
    value = args.get_value(),
    firstName = value.firstName,
    lastName = value.lastName;
        $telerik.findElement(container, "LabelFirstName").innerHTML = firstName;
        $telerik.findElement(container, "LabelLastName").innerHTML = lastName;

function GetEditorValue(sender, args)
    if (args.get_columnUniqueName() === "FirstLastName")
        var container = args.get_container(),
    firstName = $telerik.findControl(container, "RadTextBoxFirstName").get_value(),
    lastName = $telerik.findElement(container, "TextBoxLastName").value;
        args.set_value(new Person(firstName, lastName));

function SetEditorValue(sender, args)
    if (args.get_columnUniqueName() === "FirstLastName")
        var container = args.get_container(),
    value = args.get_value(),
    firstName = value.firstName,
    lastName = value.lastName;
        $telerik.findControl(container, "RadTextBoxFirstName").set_value(firstName);
        $telerik.findElement(container, "TextBoxLastName").value = lastName;

You can find a more complex example in the following code library project: Show one value but edit another.

See Also

In this article
See Also
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