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Telerik RadGrid support column animation when you reorder columns or drag them over to the group panel.

To get an idea of what column animations really are, try reordering some columns in Windows Explorer on Windows 7.

The animation allows dragging one header to reorder the columns and the rest of the headers move aside. Or, dropping the header over an area that does not trigger an action, and the header diligently moves back to its original place.

Both types of animation can be used together to make your columns flow, providing a visually appealing indication of the current column related action. If you enable column reorder, but do not have drag-to-group enabled, the dragged column moves along the X-axis inside the table header row only. If you have both column reorder and drag-to-group, you can grab a header and move it freely around. When it gets over the header row, the other columns step aside to open the place up for the dragged column. When the dragged column leaves the header row, the rest of the columns move back to their original place.

For a live example demonstrating the column animation feature, see Grid / Column Animations .

See Also:

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