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Events Overview

RadDropDownTree control supports a number of client-side events that let you customize its behavior:

  • OnClienLoad - client-side event handler iscalled after the RadDropDownTree is fully initialized on the client-side.

  • OnClientDropDownOpening - client-side event that is fired before the dropdown of the RadDropDownTree is opened.

  • OnClientDropDownOpened - client-side event that is fired after the dropdown of the RadDropDownTree is opened.

  • OnClientDropDownClosing - client-side event that is fired before the dropdown of the RadDropDownTree is closed.

  • OnClientDropDownClosed - client-side event that is fired after the dropdown of the RadDropDownTree is closed.

  • OnClientEntryAdding - client-side event that is fired when an entry is about to be added.

  • OnClientEntryAdded - client-side event that is fired when an entry is already added.

  • OnClientEntryRemoving - client-side event that is fired when an entry is about to be removed.

  • OnClientEntryRemoved - client-side event that is fired when an entry is already removed.

  • OnClientClearButtonClicking - client-side event taht fires immediately when the Clear button in the entry area of the RadDropDownTree is clicked.

  • OnClientClearButtonClicked - client-side event that fires after the Clear button in the entry area of the RadDropDownTree is clicked.

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