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RadDropDownTree Object
RadDropDownTree Object
The RadDropDownTree client-side object exposes the following client-side methods:
Name | Parameters | Return Type | Description |
get_dropDownElement() | none | the DOM element of the DropDown | Gets a the DropDown element |
initialize() | none | none | Initializes the current instance of the RadDropDownTree class |
toggleDropDown() | none | none | Toggles the DropDown of the current instance |
openDropDown() | none | none | Opens the DropDown of the current instance |
closeDropDown() | none | none | Closes the DropDown of the current instance |
set_enabled() | Boolean | Boolean | Enables the RadDropDownTree control |
get_enabled() | Boolean | Boolean | Returns true if the RadDropDownTree is enabled and false if the control is disabled |
get_entries() | none | RadDropDown Entry collection | Returns the RadDropDownTree Entries collection |
get_defaultMessage() | none | String | Returnsthe Default message in the entry area |
set_defaultMessage() | String | none | Sets the Default message in the entry area |
get_selectedValue() | none | String | Returns the value of an entry (or a collection of entries separated by semicolon) in the entry area |
get_selectedText() | none | String | Returns the text of an entry(or a collection of entries separated by semicolon) in the entry area |