It looks like Knockout-Kendo.js does not update the bound property if the property is not an observable.
Using standard knockout binding supports that feature.
Example here: http://jsfiddle.net/g7dPw/12/
Change the value in TextBox and in DatePicker, then press "print".
Note that current value from TextBox is printed, but the date printed is the old one, not updated.
Is this considered a bug or is it by design?
It looks like Knockout-Kendo.js does not update the bound property if the property is not an observable.
Using standard knockout binding supports that feature.
Example here: http://jsfiddle.net/g7dPw/12/
Change the value in TextBox and in DatePicker, then press "print".
Note that current value from TextBox is printed, but the date printed is the old one, not updated.
Is this considered a bug or is it by design?