I have been loading kendo.web.min.js along with a culture file using the RequireJS shim method along with the deps option set as follows:
I then noticed in the offical documentation that it is recommended to avoid using the Kendo UI bundles with RequireJS: http://docs.kendoui.com/getting-started/using-kendo-with/using-kendo-with-requirejs.
As I haven't had any particular issues with this approach (yet!) I wondered, if this was still the official recommendation and that I should revert to script tags for Kendo, or whether I can continue using the above method?
I have been loading kendo.web.min.js along with a culture file using the RequireJS shim method along with the deps option set as follows:
paths: {
: [
: [
: [
: [
shim: {
: {
deps: [
: {
deps: [
: {
deps: [
As I haven't had any particular issues with this approach (yet!) I wondered, if this was still the official recommendation and that I should revert to script tags for Kendo, or whether I can continue using the above method?