I'm trying to build an edit screen for some rather complicated data. The data is complicated enough that putting the entire form on one page is quite unwieldy, so I decided to move parts of it to different tabs. Easier said than done apparently, because I'm running into an issue.
It looks like there is an issue when nesting FormItems within a TabStripTab. Here's a code sample to reproduce the issue;
<TelerikForm Model="@_model" OnValidSubmit="HandleValidSubmit">
<TelerikTabStrip PersistTabContent="true">
<TabStripTab Title="Tab 1">
<FormItem Field="@nameof(_model.GenericLvl1)" LabelText="Generic lvl 1" />
<TabStripTab Title="Tab 2">
<FormItem Field="@nameof(_model.GenericLvl2)" LabelText="Generic lvl 2" />
<FormItem Field="@nameof(_model.GenericLvl3)" LabelText="Generic lvl 3" />
<TelerikButton ButtonType="ButtonType.Submit" ThemeColor="primary">Submit</TelerikButton>
<TelerikButton ButtonType="ButtonType.Button" OnClick="Cancel">Cancel</TelerikButton>
When executed, this sample will render the following;
It appears the Generic lvl 2 field is being rendered outside of the TabStripTab. The tab itself appears empty, with the form fields it's supposed to contain appearing underneath it.
Clicking on Tab 2 then causes the fields it's supposed to contain to be placed underneath the field from Tab 1;
The fields from Tab 2 don't disappear when you click on Tab 1; they will stick around until the page is refreshed. This doesn't happen when PersistTabContent is disabled; the fields will still appear to be outside of the tab, but they do disappear when the tab is closed.
From my testing it seems that the moment a component is wrapped within a FormItem, it will be rendered outside of the tab it's supposed to be in. As another example, given this tab;
<TabStripTab Title="Tab 1">
<TelerikTextBox @bind-Value=_model.GenericLvl1 Placeholder="Within FormItem"/>
<TelerikTextBox @bind-Value=_model.GenericLvl2 Placeholder="Outside FormItem"/>
I would expect both text boxes to appear in order and to be visually identical (except for the placeholder text). What actually happens is this;
It's admittedly been a few years since I last worked with Blazor and I've never used the Telerik UI components before, so perhaps I'm misunderstanding or overlooking something here. But to me this looks like a bug in the library.
Does anyone know why this happens? Is there a solution?