I'd like to create an angular kendo stacked bar chart where the same key repeats multiple times.
To illustrate, I want to use the k-series and k-datasource like the following
<div kendo-chart
k-chart-area='{background:"", height:40, width:800}'
k-series-defaults="{ overlay: {gradient: 'none'},type: 'bar', markers: { visible: false }, stack: 'true' }"
{name: 'App Stopped', field: 'stoppedDuration', color: '#65c178', labels: {visible: 'true', position: 'left', background: ''} },
{name: 'App Started', field: 'runningDuration', color: '#5da2f7', labels: {visible: 'true', position: 'left', background: ''}}
k-value-axis="{labels: { format: '{0}' }, visible: false, majorGridLines: { visible: false }, majorTicks: { visible: false, width: 0 }, axisCrossingValue:0}"
k-category-axis="{line: { visible: false }, majorGridLines: { visible: false }, majorTicks: { visible: false, width: 0 }}"
in the scope variable thismonthseventdata, I'd like to have the same key repeat itself. i.e
thismonthseventdata.data([{runningDuration:3, stoppedDuration:5, runningDuration:3}]);
This is however not possible since I cannot have a javascript object with duplicate keys. How can I achieve this with kendo stack charts and angular ?
I know I can do this with k-series only without a k-datasource but the data cannot bind to dynamic scope data.
I'd like to create an angular kendo stacked bar chart where the same key repeats multiple times.
To illustrate, I want to use the k-series and k-datasource like the following
<div kendo-chart
k-chart-area='{background:"", height:40, width:800}'
k-series-defaults="{ overlay: {gradient: 'none'},type: 'bar', markers: { visible: false }, stack: 'true' }"
{name: 'App Stopped', field: 'stoppedDuration', color: '#65c178', labels: {visible: 'true', position: 'left', background: ''} },
{name: 'App Started', field: 'runningDuration', color: '#5da2f7', labels: {visible: 'true', position: 'left', background: ''}}
k-value-axis="{labels: { format: '{0}' }, visible: false, majorGridLines: { visible: false }, majorTicks: { visible: false, width: 0 }, axisCrossingValue:0}"
k-category-axis="{line: { visible: false }, majorGridLines: { visible: false }, majorTicks: { visible: false, width: 0 }}"
in the scope variable thismonthseventdata, I'd like to have the same key repeat itself. i.e
thismonthseventdata.data([{runningDuration:3, stoppedDuration:5, runningDuration:3}]);
This is however not possible since I cannot have a javascript object with duplicate keys. How can I achieve this with kendo stack charts and angular ?
I know I can do this with k-series only without a k-datasource but the data cannot bind to dynamic scope data.