Telerik blogs
Among all the big announcements we had over the past couple of weeks you might have missed that we now have a brand new 800-page training courseware for ASP.NET AJAX. This is a step-by-step tutorial that covers all RadControls from the very basics to the more advanced topics. The learning guide includes tons of how-to’s, tips and tricks, code samples and a real-life online exam application (called ActiveSkill) that you can build as you cover the chapters.


The courseware is available to everyone for free download from our website:
PDF (51MB)
PDF with all code samples and Visual Studio projects (97MB)


Special thanks go to the whole team at Falafel Software for spending a lot of efforts on making this book the best RadControls self-paced training resource.


We continue to improve all support resources for all Telerik products and your feedback will be very welcome. Let us know what materials (demos, tutorials, samples, documentations, KBs, etc) you need and we will do our best to provide them.


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