Telerik blogs
  • Release

    Telerik XAML Controls Q1 2012 SP1

    The Q1 2012 Service Packs for Telerik XAML controls (Silverlight, WPF and Windows Phone) have been released.  You will find many improvements and fixes in the service packs, which you can download now under Your Account.  Be sure to check the updated Silverlight and WPF Trials This new service pack brings a number of improvements and fixes.  You now have the option to disable the Telerik StyleManager and to style controls using implicit styles (i.e., Style without the x:Key attribute). There are a number of advantages to using implicit styles, including: Custom themes are easier Basing styles on themes is easier Assemblies are smaller Improved Blend support For more on using...
    March 27, 2012
  • Release

    RadDiagram Q2.2012 Roadmap

    It was just a month ago when we released the first version of the RadDiagram control/framework and now is time to share with you some plans about the future. We (and our partner and friend - The Orbifold) are very committed to the RadDiagram success and becoming one of the top diagramming frameworks for WPF and Silverlight out there. We will be pushing new features and possibilities as much as possible as well as trying to reach different platforms. Official for Q2 As you already know it is currently in beta state (even we think it is more than a beta) but with the upcoming...
  • Desktop WPF

    Getting Started with GanttView - part 1

    Programming with the new GanttView control As many of you already know with Q1 2012 we introduced a RadGanttView for Silverlight and WPF - a control designed with MVVM-friendly API. In this blog post we will set-up a sample project with RadGanttView to get you started. First, to add RadGanttView to a new or existing application we need to add references to the following assemblies: Telerik.Windows.Controls Telerik.Windows.Controls.GanttView Telerik.Windows.Scheduling.Core Now, let’s add the telerik namespace: xmlns:telerik= Add add a sample definition of the control: <telerik:RadGanttView/> Here is a screenshot of what you should see after running the project:   Now, we will create a data source in our ViewModel and bind...
  • Desktop WPF

    A financial dashboard designer based on RadDiagram

    by Francois Vanderseypen and Miroslav Miroslavov » Full source code of the demo application here The new RadDiagram framework brings, together with a host of new exciting things in Telerik's 2012 Q1 release, a new world of possibilities to the WPF and Silverlight community. This article attempts to show you that Telerik's RadDiagram is easy-to-use and that it differs from other Telerik controls in that it more closely represents a framework than a control. It’s an invitation to augment and customize the RadDiagram toolset in function of your application and business context. That said, we have to tell you straight away that RadDiagram, as released with Q1, is...
  • Release

    Structured Content Editing with RichTextBox for Silverlight/WPF

    Or How to Store Semantic Information In Documents Through Custom Annotations When we develop RadRichTextBox’s API, we always try to make it as extensible as possible. One of the most popular demands was the option to store “meta” information about parts of the document which is not directly visible by the user. The technique that most developers attempted to implement was to extend the document model and use custom document elements (Spans, Paragraphs, etc.). This approach, however, is not quite reliable, because RadDocument controls the lifecycle of all document elements while editing the content in RadRichTextBox and the document structure is only...
    March 06, 2012