Telerik blogs
  • Productivity Reporting

    Getting Started with Telerik Reporting and ASP.NET 5

    Now that the Visual Studio 2015 Preview is released and available for everyone to test the new environment and the next version of ASP.NET 5, let’s see how we can build a new application and add reporting functionality there.
    December 15, 2014
  • Release

    Why the Community Edition of Visual Studio 2013 is Thrilling for You and Telerik DevCraft

    You probably heard the news about the availability of a free version of Visual Studio 2013 a few weeks ago. This announcement was quite exciting, because (for the first time) is Microsoft is trying to really offer the great .NET framework and associated tools to indie developers, smaller dev shops and students. Probably the most important part of the announcement (for us) is that the Community version allows extensions. Adding extensions was not possible with the previous free editions of Visual Studio, a.k.a. the Express editions. If you wanted to use a third-party product in your daily development (like Telerik DevCraft), you had to buy a non-Express edition of Visual Studio. Today, if you are playing solo or you are part of a team with up to five developers, you can save that cash and just use the latest and greatest of Visual Studio with your favorite Telerik tools and extensions (plus any other third-party tools, of course). Will Telerik DevCraft tools work with it? Yes. All of the Telerik .NET tools work with Visual Studio Community 2013.
    December 03, 2014
  • Release

    5 Incredible Features in the Visual Studio 2015 Preview

    The Visual Studio 2015 Preview included many new features that enhanced the way developers work with everything from the web and desktop to mobile apps. Several features have had the spotlight, such as gesture support in the editor, Cordova tooling, C++ enhancements and the new Android emulator. But there are several other, less talked about
    December 01, 2014
  • Release

    What’s Ahead for JustCode

    It has been some time since Microsoft announced officially the Roslyn project – the new .NET compiler for C# and VB.NET for the upcoming Visual Studio version. Roslyn is not just a compiler but also a platform that provides Visual Studio users with essential features that will speed up their work, e.g. real time code analysis, quick fixes, refactorings, navigations. At the same time it will be extendable to the point that users will have the ability to build the productivity tool for Visual Studio that best meets their needs.
    October 30, 2014
  • Web

    Webinar Wrap Up: Build Cross Platform Apps with Telerik Platform and Visual Studio

    In this post, Jeff shares the code, slides, and video recording from our webinar covering how to use the Telerik Platform with Visual Studio. He answers all of your questions, and provides some helpful links along the way for those looking to get started with the Telerik Platform now.