Telerik blogs
  • Desktop WinForms

    Save Development Time with the Theme Viewer for RadControls for WinForms

    With the number of the themes in our suite constantly increasing (two more are coming in Q1 2011) it will surely take some time to review all of them for the different controls. This may sound like a simple problem, however the plot thickens when you are creating a new theme and you would like to know whether your forms look properly with your custom theme, and whether you are not missing an unstyled element here and there. As a result, in Q1 2011 we will introduce a new tool that solve these issues for you, and will save you time...
  • Release

    New Themes Coming to Telerik Windows Forms in Q1’11 and Why We Rebranded an Existing Theme

    As you all know Telerik always strives to follow the latest UI innovations and improvements that the software market offers. With the release of Microsoft Office 2010 we turned our eyes and efforts into creating a theme that covers this style. As a result in Q3 2010 we introduced the Office2010 theme which followed the silverish look of Microsoft Office 2010. However, we did not stop there. We wanted to provide the full color palette that Office2010 provides. This is why the Telerik Office2010 theme is going to be followed by new fellow themes – Office2011Black and Office2010Silver: Office2010Blue Office2010Black Office2010Silver You should be...
  • Desktop WPF

    GroupBox and Label Controls and Tooltip Themes in 2011.Q1 RadControls for Silverlight and RadControls for WPF

    These are controls that exist in one form or another in most of the other suites so we had some client requests to add them in our Silverlight / WPF suite too. In WPF you have GroupBox, Label and ToolTip in the presentation framework however we had no themes for them. In Silverlight there is only ToolTip. GroupBox and Label We have created GroupBox and Label in Telerik.Windows.Controls assembly. In WPF they extend the existing GroupBox and Label controls and only add themes. In Silverlight they extend HeaderedContentControl and ContentControl. How you can use them: <Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" Background="#FF222222">     <telerik:GroupBox Header="Personal Information" Width="300" HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center">         <Grid>             <Grid.ColumnDefinitions>                 <ColumnDefinition Width="Auto" MinWidth="80" />                 <ColumnDefinition Width="*" />...
    February 22, 2011
  • Release

    SP1 of RadControls for WinForms Q1 2010 released, featuring VS2010 and Client Profile support

    As always, Telerik's plans were closely aligned with Microsoft's release schedule, and we were dedicated to provide VS2010 support even before Visual Studio 2010 was officially launched. Now that the first VS2010 launch event is over, here comes the first of many Telerik Service Packs to support VS2010. This RadControls for WinForms release is the first to provide support for the Client Profile, introduced with .NET3.5, and now default when starting new windows forms projects with VS2010. The Client Profile is a smaller version of the.NET Framework that includes only the assemblies needed for deploying client-based applications, which in turn reduces the size of...
  • Web

    Changing Silverlight application themes at runtime

    We have received a lot of questions how can the application theme be changed at run time. The most important thing here to mark is that each time the application theme is changed all the controls should be re-drawn. Without going into too much detail, we could explain the application themes as a mechanism to replace the content of the Generic.xaml file in every loaded Telerik assembly at runtime. This does not affect the controls that already have default style applied, hence the need to create new instances. Because in the Silverlight applications the RootVisual cannot be changed at run time, we...
    March 17, 2010