Telerik blogs

    VSIX Package deployment and users in the same machine

    A customer of ours faced a very interesting issue we were able to solve earlier today.   The problem was that when Visual Studio run under the context of his account, all the Telerik VSExtensions were available in the Extension Manager. On the other hand, when Visual Studio run as a different user, the Telerik WebUI VSExtensions were missing.   The problem is very likely to happen if you run Visual Studio under different accounts to test your applications with limited permissions. It happens when you usually install the Telerik VSExtensions through the installer and you decide to install a newer version through the Extension Manager:   The...
  • Web

    How To: Run an installer as administrator with logging enabled

    Tired of enabling installer packages with User Account Control turned on? Miss the right-click & Run as Administrator command on MSI files? Want to easily run each installer with logging enabled? At least I was. Here is a quick way to add a Run As Administrator With Log command to msi files (inspired by David Ebbo’s post ): All we need is modify the MSI.Package class definition in the registry. The first step is to add a “runas” shell entry. This allows the command to automatically be run as administrator. The next step is defining a command to be executed. This is the...
    April 12, 2011
  • Release

    Two steps installation

    1st click, 2nd click and you are ready to go. These are the steps required to install any Telerik product as of the Q1 2011 release. The idea behind this change is to provide better user experience during installation. To achieve this we have minimized the steps that you have to perform when installing any Telerik product while at the same time we have left the same flexibility to customize what is installed. Let me introduce the new installation workflow: Step 1 On the first dialog you can read the license agreement of the product if you click the Read License Agreement button. By continuing...
    March 21, 2011
  • People

    MS Help 3 documentation deployment issues

    As you have probably heard starting with the official Q1 2011 release our AJAX components will provide integrated VS 2010 MSHelp3 documentation. Since the release a couple of customers have reported that they are not able to install the RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX. It turned out that the problem was related to the deployment of the MS Help 3 documentation. As a result we identified two different reasons for the failure. Both are described in the current blog post. First I want to show you how to recognize installation failure caused by the documentation deployment. To do so you have to examine the Application...
    March 21, 2011
  • Desktop WPF

    Keep your project and Toolbox in sync

    I guess the larger part of you have to maintain various projects using different versions of a Telerik suite, let’s say RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX. Having in mind the above mentioned scenario, working with two projects referring different versions of the Telerik.Web.UI assembly there are the following options :   Have parallel installs of both the RadControls versions on your machine. This one works fine until one day, while in a hurry, you just expand a RadControls group in your Toolbox, drag a control over your page, attempt to build the project and find it broken. The reason for...
    November 11, 2010