Telerik blogs
  • Desktop WPF

    Data Forms in your XAML LOB apps got you down? Let RadDataForm create your UI!

    Easily generate your UI with Radcontrols for WPF/Silverlight and RadDataForm.
  • Release

    Announcing RadControls for Windows Phone Q3 2012 SP1: Revamped DataForm, ListPicker enhancements and many more

    Q3 2012 SP1 comes as a milestone in the development of RadDataForm. This release introduces significant improvements and enhancements in the control making it entirely revamped. The changes are important because they are inspired by our real-life experience with the control while integrating it in our Tasks application for Windows Phone and other smaller projects. Since some significant breaking changes are introduced with the new RadDataForm upgrades, we strongly recommend anyone who uses the control to take a look at the Release Notes for further information. We are also going to update our online help regarding RadDataForm considering the new APIs.
    December 12, 2012
  • Release

    Introducing RadDataForm for Windows Phone

    Almost each Windows Phone app implements scenarios in which user input is gathered. These scenarios include designing and implementing Pages with editor controls positioned in a layout panel (mostly stack layouts) with labels above them to describe their purpose and buttons at the end of the page to confirm the input. The validation logic, as well as the synchronization between editors and the properties of the edited object is mostly done manually by handling events, checking input values and setting target properties. Here are a couple of screenshots from our Tasks app demonstrating similar scenarios:   The ‘Edit Task’ and ‘Edit Project’...
    October 20, 2012

    How to set a custom height for RadButton and RadFormDecorated buttons in ASP.NET AJAX

    Lately we’ve been receiving one question quite often - is it possible to increase the RadButton and / or RadFormDecorator’s button default height. Usually people are trying to set the needed value to the Height property: <telerik:RadFormDecorator runat="server" DecoratedControls="All" /> <asp:Button runat="server" Text="RadForm Button" Height="40" /> <telerik:RadButton runat="server" Text="RadButton" Height="40"> </telerik:RadButton>   But the result is not pretty:      By default the RadButton as well as ASP Buttons and inputs of type=”button” decorated by the RadFormDecorator are visually built with sprite images that apply a specific gradient to the element. The sprite image has a specific height, which means you cannot just change the button’s height property because the sprite image will be either cut off or...
    April 23, 2012