Telerik blogs

Q3 2012 SP1 comes as a milestone in the development of RadDataForm. This release introduces significant improvements and enhancements in the control making it entirely revamped. The changes are important because they are inspired by our real-life experience with the control while integrating it in our Tasks application for Windows Phone and other smaller projects. Since some significant breaking changes are introduced with the new RadDataForm upgrades, we strongly recommend anyone who uses the control to take a look at the Release Notes for further information. We are also going to update our online help regarding RadDataForm considering the new APIs.

RadDataForm in action RadListPicker with Action Button

Here is a summary of what’s new in RadDataForm for Q3 2012 SP1:

  • Enhanced XAML support. Now RadDataForm's editors' layout can be entirely defined in XAML allowing for flexible layouts, localization and customized scenarios.
  • Automatic editor creation mode. This mode enables the creation of editors without writing XAML code. It can be really useful in scenarios where simple DataForm layouts are needed.
  • More flexible Attributes definition approach which allows for defining attributes for CLR properties even in cases when the properties are defined in classes in another assembly which source is not accessible.
  • Extended Data Committing modes and improved validation mechanism.

Further important updates are:

  • RadListPicker adds now Action Button support by utilizing RadImageButton
  • RadDataBoundListBox introduces CollectionChangeItemReorderMode which allows you to specify how items in the viewport are reordered when items in the source collection are changed

Of course many fixes of issues reported by you are also included in Q3 2012 SP1.

Go ahead and download the new bits and let us know what you think!

Deyan Ginev
About the Author

Deyan Ginev

Deyan has been with Telerik for more than ​six years working on several different products with main focus on mobile technologies. Deyan is currently working on NativeScript– a platform for developing native mobile apps with JavaScript. Find him on Twitter via


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