Telerik blogs

    RadControls and ASP.NET Dynamic Data - Part Deux

    UPDATE: You can download the latest Dynamic Data bits from here. It seems that I've managed to mess things up in my previous blog post. The sample web site and user controls work but ... they are using the December CTP release of ASP.NET Dynamic Data! Kudos to Scott Hunter for spotting the problem. It seems that albeit I installed the latest Dynamic Data bits I forgot to uninstall the December CTP and Visual Studio 2008 was still using the old Web Site template. Be careful when installing the new bits - uninstall any previous releases first! The sample web site and...
    April 16, 2008

    RadControls and ASP.NET Dynamic Data

    UPDATE: You can download the latest Dynamic Data bits from here. ASP.NET Dynamic Data I am thrilled to announce that there is a new drop available for the ASP.NET Dynamic Data. You don’t know what the heck that is? It is the upcoming technology from the ASP.NET team which is designed to help you build web sites faster. Go check the following links immediately: Points of extensibility One of the key features of ASP.NET Dynamic Data are the DynamicField and his buddy the FieldTemplateUserControl.  DynamicFields represent the field of your objects. The FieldTemplateUserControl displays and edits the corresponding DynamicField – integer, decimal, date time...
    April 14, 2008
  • Release

    The New RadControls Installer

    We have been using the same old installer for a very long time. The reason for that is very simple - because it worked. However, with the release of the new RadControls for ASP.NET Ajax suite we felt that it is time for a change. The people who tried our new futures build for Q1 2008 already know what I am talking about - the Prometheus controls come with a totally redesigned installation experience. There were two main issues we wanted to address - install/uninstall speed and the look & feel of the installation wizard. I am happy to say that we achieved...
    March 31, 2008
  • People

    Telerik Silverlight controls shown in the MIX 08 keynote

    I showed you some Telerik Silverlight goodness in my last post but here's some more: check out the iZoofari video case study that was shown at the MIX 08 keynote. It's a great demonstration of how Microsoft's latest technologies can help IT people and developers roll out amazing applications and enjoy tremendous productivity. The really special thing about the San Diego Zoo project though is that the Silverlight UI is built with a number of Telerik controls! If you go to 3:31 of the video (highly recommended to watch the whole video), you'll see the...
    March 17, 2008
  • Desktop WPF

    WPF, Silverlight and the Telerik MIX Show Off videos

    This year the  MIX conference had a very cool Show Off contest. Here's what the organizers had to say about it: "At MIX08, we’re hosting what will be a world famous Show Off event. If you’ve ever wanted to put the smack down on lesser mortals, flex your brain, and get everyone to gloat at your—deservedly—awe-inspiring work, this is what might be called a prime opportunity. We want you to inspire others with your unique software, tip, tool, technique, animation, or anything else we can’t think of. All you need to do is create a short, 3-minute-or-less video demonstrating what you want...
    March 12, 2008