In this article, we’re going to compare the React Calendar component available in the KendoReact UI library with the default HTML calendar, looking at all the unique features and UX decisions that go into a robust and full-featured commercial library calendar component.
Let's unpack the R3 2021 for Telerik UI for Xamarin! New barcode type, new features for the Xamarin.Forms Calendar and RichTextEditor controls, as well as some improvements for our PdfProcessing and PdfViewer.
The Telerik Xamarin Calendar & Scheduling helps in a number of scenarios where users need to keep track of their schedule and manage their meetings. With R3 2020 we made the scheduling views available for customization, so you can bring your own style to the UI for creating and modifying appointments.
R2 2020 for Telerik UI for Xamarin brings you new picker controls, support for Blazor Mobile Bindings, fully functional Xamarin.Forms demo apps, and countless new features and improvements for DataGrid, AgendaView and more!
Get to know the new AgendaView in Telerik UI for Xamarin. This feature, natively implemented on both iOS and Android, gives you a new way to visualize appointments in your app.