Telerik blogs
  • Productivity Debugging Release

    New in Fiddler 2.4.2

    A new Fiddler Beta minor update was released this evening [.NET2 or .NET4]. This build contains a few long-awaited tweaks, bug fixes, and minor features. Read on for the summary of changes, and please let us know (Help > Send Feedback) in Fiddler if you find any problems! Web Sessions List Improvements The Web Sessions list on the left side of Fiddler shows each Session and provides entry points into most of Fiddler’s functionality. In the new version, a number of improvements have been made to this critical interface. Sorting Indicator Fiddler has always allowed sorting the Web ...
    November 07, 2012
  • Productivity Testing

    Free Weekly 30-minute Workshops On Test Studio

    Test Studio Workshop is our new training initiative - a weekly (you guessed it) workshop. Each session will deal with a specific automation challenge. From seemingly basic to advanced use cases that might require some coding skills. We try to tackle common errors seen with new Test Studio users and shed light on little known but powerful features the product offers. The agenda is as follows: The presenter goes through the main information related to that week's subject in roughly 15 mins. From there we go into Q&A mode. The session is set as 30 mins long but we will ...
    November 05, 2012
  • Productivity

    More on Flexible Locators

    Knowing how to create flexible locators is critical to crafting stable tests that will hold up in the long run. The example I use in Telerik’s Online Instructor Led and Team training sessions centers around working with a row from a table. This table, to be precise! Note the grid control has created an ID value for that row – and that ID is completely position-based: ctl00_MainContent_PeopleGrid_ctl00__1. (Look at the row above and below. The IDs all end with “__<number>”.) By default, Test Studio’s recorder will define this row’s locator using that ID value. Normally IDs are ...
    November 02, 2012
  • Productivity Debugging

    What&rsquo;s new in Fiddler

    I’ve been working on several exciting enhancements since I moved to develop Fiddler full-time last month. Major work is underway to improve Fiddler and the Fiddler website, based in part on feedback we’ve received from the poll on the Fiddler homepage.In today’s post, I’d like to quickly point out a few minor improvements in the current release version that you might have overlooked.Composer ImprovementsFiddler’s Composer enables you to create and issue a HTTP(S) request, either from scratch, or by dragging in a prior request from the Web Sessions list. The Composer is especially useful for testing ...
    November 02, 2012
  • Productivity Testing

    Deprecating VS2008 Support in Test Studio 2013 Releases

    With each release of Test Studio, we carefully test our integration points with all external systems to make sure we work seamlessly with the latest and greatest versions of these systems. Test Studio has many dependencies that we rely on to offer our customers a great user experience. These dependencies include all the browsers we automate (IE, FF, Chrome & Safari), Visual Studio that we plug-in and recently Quality Center and TeamPulse which we integrate with. With each of these components, we not only try to support the latest and greatest versions but also be backward compatibility with as many ...
    October 26, 2012