Q1 2011 proved to be a successful release for RadControls for WinForms. With the introduction of the revamped RadTreeView and the new control RadWizard the Telerik WinForms suite continues on being the ultimate Windows Forms suite. Despite the fact that the new features are mature enough, they needed only a small finishing touch – a touch that your feedback made possible.
It is our pleasure to announce the first Service Pack of Q1 2011 which finalized the recently introduced features and even added a few more. Among the highlights of the release are:
• RadListControl now supports binding to business objects containing sub objects as properties.
• RadTreeView also supports binding to business objects containing sub objects as properties. In addition, we improved its load-on-demand functionality to support full lazy mode.
• Themes - We added new themes for RadWizard and Backstage view - Windows 7, Desert, Office 2007 Silver and Office 2007 Black. Different optimizations in the existing themes also took place.
• Numerous fixes and improvements in all areas of the suite.
The full release notes are available at:
RadControls for WinForms Release Notes
The installation files are available under your accounts.
Now that the Service Pack is a fact, the next release that lies ahead of us is Q2 2011. Pretty soon we will release our Q2 2011 Roadmap, so stay tuned!
Nikolay Diyanov Diyanov is the Product Manager of the Native Mobile UI division at Progress. Delivering outstanding solutions that make developers' lives easier is his passion and the biggest reward in his work. In his spare time, Nikolay enjoys travelling around the world, hiking, sun-bathing and kite-surfing.
Find him on Twitter @n_diyanov or on LinkedIn.