Telerik blogs
  • Desktop WPF

    Using RadRibbonWindow with RadRibbonBar for WPF

    As you can expect, we have received a lot of great feedback from the community regarding RadRibbonBar.  One thing that people always asked about, however, was how to better integrate the RadRibbonBar into the actual window itself.  This way, rather than having the Window title and RadRibbonBar title both displaying, it would provide for a more seamless user experience.  Well, we listened. :) With our latest release, we have included the RadRibbonWindow to the RadControls for WPF library, allowing you to take the old window + RadRibbon combination and create something a little more visually compelling. First we want to add the...
  • Desktop WPF

    Blazing fast performance with RadGridView for WPF 4.0 and Entity Framework 4.0

    Just before our upcoming release of Q1 2010 SP1 (early next week), I’ve decided to check how RadGridView for WPF will handle complex Entity Framework 4.0 query with almost 2 million records: public class MyDataContext{    IQueryable _Data;    public IQueryable Data    {        get        {            if (_Data == null)            {                var northwindEntities = new NorthwindEntities();                var queryable = from o in northwindEntities.Orders                               from od...
  • Desktop WPF

    Sorting, Filtering, Grouping and Aggregating on all CPU cores using RadGridView for WPF and PLINQ

    As some of you may already know the Q2 release of RadGridView for WPF ships with a brand new “data engine” entirely based on LINQ. This means that all data operations including sorting, filtering, grouping, aggregating and paging will be pushed down to the IQueryProvider when RadGridView is bound to an IQueryable. For example if you are using LinqToSql, LinqToEntities or OpenAccess ORM all gird operations are executed on the SQL server using the magic of LINQ providers. Staying on the cutting edge I decide to try out PLINQ (Parallel LINQ) and enable RadGridView to execute its data operations on all available CPU cores. PLINQ...
    September 23, 2009
  • Desktop WPF

    Making a RadGauge look like a Dial

    I have had several people ask me about whether Telerik offers a dial control.  I thought it might be interesting to try and leverage the RadGauge control to build something that looks like a dial.  Essentially the RadGauge offers all the capabilities you would need, it is just a matter of styling.  I decided to build a kitchen timer application so I could create a dial theme.  I am no artist, but I think my end result turned out pretty well.  The video below will demonstrate how I use Expression Blend to quickly get a 3D (ok, 3Dish, again I...
    May 06, 2009
  • Desktop WPF

    Change the Office Black theme to support multiple Linear Scales using Expression Blend

    I recently posted an entry regarding the Radial Gauge for WPF where I demonstrated how you can create a half circle gauge.  Not long after that post, I received a question asking about Linear Gauges and how to use multiple scales in a single Linear Gauge.  It is not that there is a functional difference, but rather a visual difference.  The Office Black theme (shown below) has a border area in the middle where the linear gauges were overlapping causing a visual collision.  There are a number of ways that you can accomplish a task and I think one of...
    April 09, 2009
  • Desktop WPF

    Using RadRibbonWindow with RadRibbonBar for WPF

    As you can expect, we have received a lot of great feedback from the community regarding RadRibbonBar.  One thing that people always asked about, however, was how to better integrate the RadRibbonBar into the actual window itself.  This way, rather than having the Window title and RadRibbonBar title both displaying, it would provide for a more seamless user experience.  Well, we listened. :) With our latest release, we have included the RadRibbonWindow to the RadControls for WPF library, allowing you to take the old window + RadRibbon combination and create something a little more visually compelling. First we want to add the...
  • Desktop WPF

    Blazing fast performance with RadGridView for WPF 4.0 and Entity Framework 4.0

    Just before our upcoming release of Q1 2010 SP1 (early next week), I’ve decided to check how RadGridView for WPF will handle complex Entity Framework 4.0 query with almost 2 million records: public class MyDataContext{    IQueryable _Data;    public IQueryable Data    {        get        {            if (_Data == null)            {                var northwindEntities = new NorthwindEntities();                var queryable = from o in northwindEntities.Orders                               from od...
  • Desktop WPF

    Sorting, Filtering, Grouping and Aggregating on all CPU cores using RadGridView for WPF and PLINQ

    As some of you may already know the Q2 release of RadGridView for WPF ships with a brand new “data engine” entirely based on LINQ. This means that all data operations including sorting, filtering, grouping, aggregating and paging will be pushed down to the IQueryProvider when RadGridView is bound to an IQueryable. For example if you are using LinqToSql, LinqToEntities or OpenAccess ORM all gird operations are executed on the SQL server using the magic of LINQ providers. Staying on the cutting edge I decide to try out PLINQ (Parallel LINQ) and enable RadGridView to execute its data operations on all available CPU cores. PLINQ...
    September 23, 2009
  • Desktop WPF

    Making a RadGauge look like a Dial

    I have had several people ask me about whether Telerik offers a dial control.  I thought it might be interesting to try and leverage the RadGauge control to build something that looks like a dial.  Essentially the RadGauge offers all the capabilities you would need, it is just a matter of styling.  I decided to build a kitchen timer application so I could create a dial theme.  I am no artist, but I think my end result turned out pretty well.  The video below will demonstrate how I use Expression Blend to quickly get a 3D (ok, 3Dish, again I...
    May 06, 2009
  • Desktop WPF

    Change the Office Black theme to support multiple Linear Scales using Expression Blend

    I recently posted an entry regarding the Radial Gauge for WPF where I demonstrated how you can create a half circle gauge.  Not long after that post, I received a question asking about Linear Gauges and how to use multiple scales in a single Linear Gauge.  It is not that there is a functional difference, but rather a visual difference.  The Office Black theme (shown below) has a border area in the middle where the linear gauges were overlapping causing a visual collision.  There are a number of ways that you can accomplish a task and I think one of...
    April 09, 2009