Telerik blogs
  • Desktop WPF

    Creating a Half circle WPF RadGauge

    During a recent webinar, a question was asked about whether you can create a half circle gauge.  I recently covered this in my “Introducing RadGauge for WPF” webinar, but thought it would be good to have a quick blog post as well.  Below you will see a RadialGauge which contains two RadialScales placed along the left and right of the gauge.  This is actually very easy to produce since the RadialGauge is simply a container, you can place a number of scales inside of the gauge.      Here is the XAML for the screenshot...
    March 26, 2009
  • Desktop WPF

    Working with a simple RadGauge for WPF

    Presenting data to users can be done in a variety of ways, but gauges offer a unique way to present data with elegance.  Gauges are easily recognized by most users since they see them on a daily basis.  Think about when you drove to work this morning, you probably looked at your car dashboard which may have looked similar to the picture below.  You knew your speed, fuel status and a number of other important metrics at a glance.  Well, the RadGauge for WPF gives you the ability to implement this same powerful concept in your applications In this post, I...
    February 13, 2009
  • Desktop WPF

    Setup a simple RadChart for WPF

    To get started working with any control, I find it useful to begin with a fresh project.  So below you will see that I have very simple XAML for my WPF application which adds a RadChart to the form.  In this post, I want to demonstrate the basic setup and binding of data to the RadChart. <Window x:Class="CreateABasicChart.Window1"      xmlns=""      xmlns:x=""      Title="Window1" Height="484" Width="750" xmlns:telerik="">...
    February 10, 2009
  • Desktop WPF

    RadScheduler for WPF - Out of the box

    If you have a need for calendaring capabilities in your WPF application, look no further.  The RadScheduler brings you a number of capabilities with minimal effort.  I am going to discuss some of the core features that you get with the RadScheduler for WPF without implementing any code.  I thought a quick preview of what the control offers out of the box, might give you some ideas of how you leverage it in your applications.  To get started create a new WPF application and drop a RadScheduler onto the Window. <Window x:Class="WPFRadSchedule.Window1"      xmlns=""      xmlns:x=""      Title="Window1" Height="600" Width="800           " xmlns:telerik="">       <Grid>          <telerik:RadScheduler Margin="12" Name="radScheduler1" />      </Grid>  </Window>   The XAML above is a preview of what I...
    February 05, 2009
  • Desktop WPF

    How to use Custom Row Layouts in RadGridView for WPF

    Presenting data in a grid is common in many applications, but it doesn't have to look like a bunch or columns and rows.  With WPF you have freedom to make the data look totally different.  In this post, I am going to demonstrate using a custom row layout with the RadGridView for WPF.  To get started, I have setup a new window with a RadGridView.  I will be using the Northwind database Employees table for this example.  I would like to point out that if you are going to recreate this example, you will need to add the Window.Resources section...
    February 03, 2009
  • Desktop WPF

    Creating a Half circle WPF RadGauge

    During a recent webinar, a question was asked about whether you can create a half circle gauge.  I recently covered this in my “Introducing RadGauge for WPF” webinar, but thought it would be good to have a quick blog post as well.  Below you will see a RadialGauge which contains two RadialScales placed along the left and right of the gauge.  This is actually very easy to produce since the RadialGauge is simply a container, you can place a number of scales inside of the gauge.      Here is the XAML for the screenshot...
    March 26, 2009
  • Desktop WPF

    Working with a simple RadGauge for WPF

    Presenting data to users can be done in a variety of ways, but gauges offer a unique way to present data with elegance.  Gauges are easily recognized by most users since they see them on a daily basis.  Think about when you drove to work this morning, you probably looked at your car dashboard which may have looked similar to the picture below.  You knew your speed, fuel status and a number of other important metrics at a glance.  Well, the RadGauge for WPF gives you the ability to implement this same powerful concept in your applications In this post, I...
    February 13, 2009
  • Desktop WPF

    Setup a simple RadChart for WPF

    To get started working with any control, I find it useful to begin with a fresh project.  So below you will see that I have very simple XAML for my WPF application which adds a RadChart to the form.  In this post, I want to demonstrate the basic setup and binding of data to the RadChart. <Window x:Class="CreateABasicChart.Window1"      xmlns=""      xmlns:x=""      Title="Window1" Height="484" Width="750" xmlns:telerik="">...
    February 10, 2009
  • Desktop WPF

    RadScheduler for WPF - Out of the box

    If you have a need for calendaring capabilities in your WPF application, look no further.  The RadScheduler brings you a number of capabilities with minimal effort.  I am going to discuss some of the core features that you get with the RadScheduler for WPF without implementing any code.  I thought a quick preview of what the control offers out of the box, might give you some ideas of how you leverage it in your applications.  To get started create a new WPF application and drop a RadScheduler onto the Window. <Window x:Class="WPFRadSchedule.Window1"      xmlns=""      xmlns:x=""      Title="Window1" Height="600" Width="800           " xmlns:telerik="">       <Grid>          <telerik:RadScheduler Margin="12" Name="radScheduler1" />      </Grid>  </Window>   The XAML above is a preview of what I...
    February 05, 2009
  • Desktop WPF

    How to use Custom Row Layouts in RadGridView for WPF

    Presenting data in a grid is common in many applications, but it doesn't have to look like a bunch or columns and rows.  With WPF you have freedom to make the data look totally different.  In this post, I am going to demonstrate using a custom row layout with the RadGridView for WPF.  To get started, I have setup a new window with a RadGridView.  I will be using the Northwind database Employees table for this example.  I would like to point out that if you are going to recreate this example, you will need to add the Window.Resources section...
    February 03, 2009