Telerik blogs
  • Mobile

    Windows Phone 7 MVVM #4 - RadPhoneApplicationFrame and StateManager

    In our previous post we were able to utilize event triggers from System.Windows.Interactivity along with EventToCommand from MVVM Light to enable users to tap an item in our RadJumpList and then send a message out to perform some functionality – in our case, navigating to the page in question.  But where does this message go and how is it received?  And how can we add less than 8 lines of code to our application to give it a more native Window Phone look and feel as we’re navigating?  That’s what this blog post is all about! We will start with those...
  • Mobile

    Windows Phone 7 MVVM #3 - More RadJumpList

    Picking up where we left off in the previous post, we are working in a new project that will accommodate all of the controls we highlight throughout this entire series, with the hub of our navigation being a RadJumpList instance.  The next step we have is to add some style to our RadJumpList in order to both take advantage of the built-in functionality and to make it look like a more inviting navigation experience. Step 1 – Adding an ItemTemplate One of the huge advantages of any listbox-type control is the ability to style the individual items.  RadJumpList is no different, allowing...
  • Mobile

    Windows Phone 7 MVVM #2 - RadJumpList

    After finishing the previous post, I realize something important – I would rather use RadJumpList than RadDataBoundListBox for my navigation in this application, simply because the “People Hub” type of experience is much cooler than a plain old listbox, regardless of how impressive the performance is.  We are also going to reconsider our MyItem and turn it into something a little more exciting – MyMVVMItem!  This will allow us to do add every new demo as an individual item, complete with a field for grouping, a friendly name, and a backing field for the name of the page that we...
  • Mobile

    Windows Phone 7 MVVM #1 – RadDataBoundListBox

    Today we are going to be starting a fun new series that introduces you to the Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) pattern with Windows Phone 7.  I am going to be using MVVM Light as my framework of choice, since it fits all my requirements and is amazingly easy to use, but if you want to check out another alternative feel free to tune into Bill Moore presenting on Windows Phone 7 and MVVM with Caliburn.Micro as part of our Windows Phone Wednesdays event.    The first step in this series involves doing two things – getting the latest and greatest copies of the Telerik...
  • Desktop WPF

    Volume Mixer with the new shiny RadSlider for Silverlight and WPF

    As you may already know, we are working hard to improve the RadSlider in a broad way. We've fixed a lot of issues, but also added a lot of new cool features. Now it's so easy to customize and bind (in MVVM-ish way), that I've created this Windows 7 "Mixer" like example in less than an hour. I didn't change the Slider's ControlTemplate and don't have a single line of code behind. (Please note that the new slider will be available with the  beta of Q2.2011 ). Download and play with the new bits
  • Mobile

    Windows Phone 7 MVVM #4 - RadPhoneApplicationFrame and StateManager

    In our previous post we were able to utilize event triggers from System.Windows.Interactivity along with EventToCommand from MVVM Light to enable users to tap an item in our RadJumpList and then send a message out to perform some functionality – in our case, navigating to the page in question.  But where does this message go and how is it received?  And how can we add less than 8 lines of code to our application to give it a more native Window Phone look and feel as we’re navigating?  That’s what this blog post is all about! We will start with those...
  • Mobile

    Windows Phone 7 MVVM #3 - More RadJumpList

    Picking up where we left off in the previous post, we are working in a new project that will accommodate all of the controls we highlight throughout this entire series, with the hub of our navigation being a RadJumpList instance.  The next step we have is to add some style to our RadJumpList in order to both take advantage of the built-in functionality and to make it look like a more inviting navigation experience. Step 1 – Adding an ItemTemplate One of the huge advantages of any listbox-type control is the ability to style the individual items.  RadJumpList is no different, allowing...
  • Mobile

    Windows Phone 7 MVVM #2 - RadJumpList

    After finishing the previous post, I realize something important – I would rather use RadJumpList than RadDataBoundListBox for my navigation in this application, simply because the “People Hub” type of experience is much cooler than a plain old listbox, regardless of how impressive the performance is.  We are also going to reconsider our MyItem and turn it into something a little more exciting – MyMVVMItem!  This will allow us to do add every new demo as an individual item, complete with a field for grouping, a friendly name, and a backing field for the name of the page that we...
  • Mobile

    Windows Phone 7 MVVM #1 – RadDataBoundListBox

    Today we are going to be starting a fun new series that introduces you to the Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) pattern with Windows Phone 7.  I am going to be using MVVM Light as my framework of choice, since it fits all my requirements and is amazingly easy to use, but if you want to check out another alternative feel free to tune into Bill Moore presenting on Windows Phone 7 and MVVM with Caliburn.Micro as part of our Windows Phone Wednesdays event.    The first step in this series involves doing two things – getting the latest and greatest copies of the Telerik...
  • Desktop WPF

    Volume Mixer with the new shiny RadSlider for Silverlight and WPF

    As you may already know, we are working hard to improve the RadSlider in a broad way. We've fixed a lot of issues, but also added a lot of new cool features. Now it's so easy to customize and bind (in MVVM-ish way), that I've created this Windows 7 "Mixer" like example in less than an hour. I didn't change the Slider's ControlTemplate and don't have a single line of code behind. (Please note that the new slider will be available with the  beta of Q2.2011 ). Download and play with the new bits