Telerik blogs

    3 Easy Steps to Replace Existing Charts with Telerik’s HTML5-based ASP.NET Chart

    In the past year we put conscious effort into enhancing the data visualization components offered in Telerik’s control suite for ASP.NET AJAX development and we thought it was about time we started showcasing them in the Sales Dashboard sample application instead of the previously used Silverlight controls. Since this was an interesting experience some of you might also be going through, we decided to share our know-how. This blog post is going to walk you through the 3 steps it takes to migrate from Silverlight to HTML5 data visualization.
  • Mobile

    Creating a Level Meter with RadRadialGauge

    I received an email from an old buddy on the Windows team at Microsoft, who is using Telerik RadControls for Windows 8 to build an application. He asked how to create a RadRadialGauge with 0 at the center, and negative numbers to the left and positive numbers to the right (click on illustration for full size) for his Level Meter (part of a Synthesizer control). None of the examples show how to do this, but it really only takes setting four properties to get just the effect he was looking for...
    December 06, 2012

    Telerik’s Major ASP.NET Data Visualization Controls in a New Sample App

    You must have noticed we have been working aggressively on improving the data visualization arsenal of Telerik's ASP.NET AJAX controls over the past year. This is why we thought it was about time we combined the new Gauge, PivotGrid and AutoCompleteBox controls with the enhanced HTML5 Chart into a simple and compact website application. Naturally, with all the hype about this year's Olympic Games the theme for the app was quite obvious. ;) The sample ASP.NET app Olympic Games showcases how easy it is to provide data presentation and management functionality to your users and how you can integrate several major controls with just a few lines of code. Of...
    October 26, 2012
  • Release

    Telerik XAMLflix Data Visualization Webinar Wrap-up

    Thank you everyone for turning out to Tuesday’s XAMLflix Data Visualization webinar, featuring the RadControls for Silverlight and WPF in action. We covered a lot of ground in this webinar, moving at a quick pace to present the wide range of Telerik Data Visualization controls with lots of hands-on coding and examples, but as those who attended can see we didn’t even have time to cover them all (yes, we do have that many first class data visualization controls in our toolbox). A Quick Recap For anyone who may have missed the webinar, here is a quick recap to entice you to watch...
  • Mobile

    Windows Phone 7 MVVM #7 - RadGauge

    Today’s RadControls for Windows Phone 7 MVVM post is brought to you by the smart tag: Now of course you must be wondering why a smart tag is being highlighted?  Great question!  As part of the Telerik RadControls for Windows Phone 7 suite, RadGauge is an integral data visualization component that can be used to show a variety of different information with either a linear or radial gauge model.  Perhaps the best part about RadGauge is that our development team didn’t just publish a quick component with a few properties, rather this versatile control allows you to have as many or...
    June 30, 2011

    3 Easy Steps to Replace Existing Charts with Telerik’s HTML5-based ASP.NET Chart

    In the past year we put conscious effort into enhancing the data visualization components offered in Telerik’s control suite for ASP.NET AJAX development and we thought it was about time we started showcasing them in the Sales Dashboard sample application instead of the previously used Silverlight controls. Since this was an interesting experience some of you might also be going through, we decided to share our know-how. This blog post is going to walk you through the 3 steps it takes to migrate from Silverlight to HTML5 data visualization.
  • Mobile

    Creating a Level Meter with RadRadialGauge

    I received an email from an old buddy on the Windows team at Microsoft, who is using Telerik RadControls for Windows 8 to build an application. He asked how to create a RadRadialGauge with 0 at the center, and negative numbers to the left and positive numbers to the right (click on illustration for full size) for his Level Meter (part of a Synthesizer control). None of the examples show how to do this, but it really only takes setting four properties to get just the effect he was looking for...
    December 06, 2012

    Telerik’s Major ASP.NET Data Visualization Controls in a New Sample App

    You must have noticed we have been working aggressively on improving the data visualization arsenal of Telerik's ASP.NET AJAX controls over the past year. This is why we thought it was about time we combined the new Gauge, PivotGrid and AutoCompleteBox controls with the enhanced HTML5 Chart into a simple and compact website application. Naturally, with all the hype about this year's Olympic Games the theme for the app was quite obvious. ;) The sample ASP.NET app Olympic Games showcases how easy it is to provide data presentation and management functionality to your users and how you can integrate several major controls with just a few lines of code. Of...
    October 26, 2012
  • Release

    Telerik XAMLflix Data Visualization Webinar Wrap-up

    Thank you everyone for turning out to Tuesday’s XAMLflix Data Visualization webinar, featuring the RadControls for Silverlight and WPF in action. We covered a lot of ground in this webinar, moving at a quick pace to present the wide range of Telerik Data Visualization controls with lots of hands-on coding and examples, but as those who attended can see we didn’t even have time to cover them all (yes, we do have that many first class data visualization controls in our toolbox). A Quick Recap For anyone who may have missed the webinar, here is a quick recap to entice you to watch...
  • Mobile

    Windows Phone 7 MVVM #7 - RadGauge

    Today’s RadControls for Windows Phone 7 MVVM post is brought to you by the smart tag: Now of course you must be wondering why a smart tag is being highlighted?  Great question!  As part of the Telerik RadControls for Windows Phone 7 suite, RadGauge is an integral data visualization component that can be used to show a variety of different information with either a linear or radial gauge model.  Perhaps the best part about RadGauge is that our development team didn’t just publish a quick component with a few properties, rather this versatile control allows you to have as many or...
    June 30, 2011