Telerik blogs
  • Desktop WinForms

    Using RadGauge for WPF in a WinForms application

    In this post, I want to demonstrate the use of the RadGauge for WPF control inside a Windows Forms Application.  Just because you are not developing WPF applications every day does not mean you cannot benefit from what WPF has to offer.  I thought it would be useful to point out that you can use WPF User Controls inside of Windows Forms applications with minimal effort.  This is made possible through the Systems.Windows.Forms.Integration namespace.  More specifically you will be working with a control call "ElementHost" which allows the WPF control to be used in a Windows Form.    So lets get...
    February 27, 2009
  • Desktop WPF

    Working with a simple RadGauge for WPF

    Presenting data to users can be done in a variety of ways, but gauges offer a unique way to present data with elegance.  Gauges are easily recognized by most users since they see them on a daily basis.  Think about when you drove to work this morning, you probably looked at your car dashboard which may have looked similar to the picture below.  You knew your speed, fuel status and a number of other important metrics at a glance.  Well, the RadGauge for WPF gives you the ability to implement this same powerful concept in your applications In this post, I...
    February 13, 2009
  • Desktop WPF

    WPF/ Silverlight: RadGauge Layout Composition

    Today I would like to highlight one of the newest controls added to the WPF / Silverlight control suites in November – the RadGauge control. RadGauge combines its rich assortment of radial, linear and numeric gauge types with very flexible layout composition abilities thus allowing you to attain a new level of data visualization quickly and easily. Let us discuss the basics of the layout composition and how it is implemented in the gauge control. There are three levels of controls that participate in the layout: RadGauge LinearGauge / RadialGauge LinearScale / RadialScale / NumericScale   RadGauge is the top level class but as far as the control...
    December 19, 2008
  • Desktop WPF

    RadGauge for WPF

    As announced by Vladimir RadControls for WPF FUTURES suite is out and we already started to get your feedback. Vladimir and Todd have already drawn you attention to RadChart for WPF, so I decided to show you RadGauge -- another product from the same suite. You wouldn't be surprised to know that RadGauge will allow you to visualize various measurements in completely customizable manner. Here are some of the main features: Linear scales - RadGauge offers linear scales, the length or the position of the indicator over a line/bar will measure the value. There can be 4 types of indicators - elements, that point to a...
    August 07, 2008
  • Desktop WinForms

    Using RadGauge for WPF in a WinForms application

    In this post, I want to demonstrate the use of the RadGauge for WPF control inside a Windows Forms Application.  Just because you are not developing WPF applications every day does not mean you cannot benefit from what WPF has to offer.  I thought it would be useful to point out that you can use WPF User Controls inside of Windows Forms applications with minimal effort.  This is made possible through the Systems.Windows.Forms.Integration namespace.  More specifically you will be working with a control call "ElementHost" which allows the WPF control to be used in a Windows Form.    So lets get...
    February 27, 2009
  • Desktop WPF

    Working with a simple RadGauge for WPF

    Presenting data to users can be done in a variety of ways, but gauges offer a unique way to present data with elegance.  Gauges are easily recognized by most users since they see them on a daily basis.  Think about when you drove to work this morning, you probably looked at your car dashboard which may have looked similar to the picture below.  You knew your speed, fuel status and a number of other important metrics at a glance.  Well, the RadGauge for WPF gives you the ability to implement this same powerful concept in your applications In this post, I...
    February 13, 2009
  • Desktop WPF

    WPF/ Silverlight: RadGauge Layout Composition

    Today I would like to highlight one of the newest controls added to the WPF / Silverlight control suites in November – the RadGauge control. RadGauge combines its rich assortment of radial, linear and numeric gauge types with very flexible layout composition abilities thus allowing you to attain a new level of data visualization quickly and easily. Let us discuss the basics of the layout composition and how it is implemented in the gauge control. There are three levels of controls that participate in the layout: RadGauge LinearGauge / RadialGauge LinearScale / RadialScale / NumericScale   RadGauge is the top level class but as far as the control...
    December 19, 2008
  • Desktop WPF

    RadGauge for WPF

    As announced by Vladimir RadControls for WPF FUTURES suite is out and we already started to get your feedback. Vladimir and Todd have already drawn you attention to RadChart for WPF, so I decided to show you RadGauge -- another product from the same suite. You wouldn't be surprised to know that RadGauge will allow you to visualize various measurements in completely customizable manner. Here are some of the main features: Linear scales - RadGauge offers linear scales, the length or the position of the indicator over a line/bar will measure the value. There can be 4 types of indicators - elements, that point to a...
    August 07, 2008