Telerik blogs
  • Web

    Manage all Resources and Appointments data for RadScheduler for Silverlight using RIA Services.

    This blog post could be helpful for those who seek a way to store and retrieve all appointments information like Resources, TimeMarkers, Categories. It also provides a handy way to handle recurrence exceptions without any additional code. 1. Database design (This step can be avoided if a DataModel is initially created and then a database is generated from it). The key points that need to be taken into consideration when planning the database are: Where to save appointments Where to save recurrent appointments’ exceptions Where to save resources and how to relate them with appointments Here is the database schema used in...
  • Desktop WPF

    WPF RadDocking Overview

    It’s been a while since the Q3 2009 release. Lots of controls have been added in our toolbox for WPF. One of them is considered as a final official release of RadDocking control for WPF. We have made a lot of improvements since the last release of the controls. For example each of the six themes included in the bundle now has different type of appearance when applied to a control. RadDocking is a fully customizable and skinnable control that enhances the power of a layout system. It is providing you with a docking system like the one in Microsoft Visual Studio. You are getting the dockable ToolWindows, a hidden DockingManager control, and a designer to easily create attractive layouts. It is good to mention that the WPF RadDocking code is absolutely compatible with its Silverlight counterpart.
    December 07, 2009
  • Desktop WPF

    Multiple Resources, Resource Grouping and TimeLineView in Telerik Scheduler for SL/WPF

    Once again we kept our promise and we are happy to introduce to you the Resource Grouping of Telerik Scheduler for Silverlight and WPF - the most requested feature for this control.   Multiple Resources, Resource Grouping,new design of Edit Appointment dialog and TimeLineView are the new features coming with Beta1 release due in the second half of this month.   Here are a few screenshots on the upcoming new features:     Stay tuned to see what else we have prepared for you in the upcoming Beta release!
    September 10, 2009
  • Web

    Mark working hours and days in different colors with RadScheduler for Silverlight

    We received a couple of questions on how some of the days and hours in the different views of RadScheduler can be customized. The answer of this question is in the attached application illustrating how working hours and days can be  marked in orange.  The solution includes 3 easy steps : Create a custom theme using the default RadScheduler' theme. Create a ValueConverter returning the right color depending on the hour/day. Find the style applied to every hour(timeslot) and apply the converter to the Background property. To create a custom theme you can follow the steps...
  • Web

    Drag and drop items onto RadScheduler for Silverlight

    We all are aware that users tend to look for the easiest and most rational way to do something. That is why developers always strive to create their products' interface as intuitive as possible. Speaking in this context, dragging and dropping helps us improve user experience significantly and make end users happier. In this blog post I will explain how we can use RadDragAndDrop to enable users drag items from a certain control and drop them over RadScheduler, while notifying about that. Of course, the described scenario could be extended to act in many different scenarios. Let us say we will drag items from a listbox to...