Telerik blogs
  • Mobile

    Telerik DataSource for iOS Coming in Q1 2015 to Make Populating Data Easier

    In this article I would like to introduce you to the TKDataSource component coming in Q1 2015 in Telerik UI for iOS. TKDataSource is a universal adapter that employs the common delegate pattern, but removes the burden of implementing different data protocols for the different controls.
    February 17, 2015
  • Mobile

    Send Data to Apple Watch with Core Data and Telerik UI for iOS in Swift

    The Apple Watch has been a long rumored device which finally appeared in September, followed by a Watch SDK, called WatchKit, in November. The introduction of the SDK maybe raised more questions than it answered, and we like everybody else are looking into the future for answers from Apple. One such question is: how can I send data, larger than what is allowed for a push notification, from the iPhone to the Watch? Well, there are several ways to do it: NSUserDefaults Files Core Data There isn’t a single recommended approach by Apple, so all these methods are legit. However, NSUserDefaults is more appropriate for user preferences, rather than real data, and files may not be a good solution for all data scenarios. Therefore, if we have to choose, we will bet on Core Data and today I am going to show you how you can send your Telerik Chart for iOS to the Apple Watch in the form of an image and a string stored in Core Data.
    February 03, 2015
  • Mobile Xamarin

    Start Developing Your 64-bit iOS Apps Now with UI for Xamarin

    There are two important updates coming from Apple which you should definitely know, Starting Feb 1, Apple will allow new app submissions only if they support 64-bit architecture. Starting June 1, Apple will allow new app and updates submissions only if they support 64-bit architecture.
    January 29, 2015
  • Release

    Telerik UI for Xamarin Now Supports Xamarin.Forms 1.3.0

    Recently, the Xamarin guys came with a so to say major version of Xamarin.Forms, 1.3.0. This version brought enhancements as well as some changes that required some internal changes on our side. We are well aware that you will want to benefit from the Xamarin.Forms improvements immediately, while still using Telerik UI for Xamarin, so I am happy to announce the availability of a new UI for Xamarin version supporting Xamarin.Forms 1.3.0.
    January 06, 2015
  • Release

    New, Flexible Pricing Model and Calendar for Telerik UI for Xamarin

    With this Service Pack release of Telerik UI for Xamarin, we are launching new pricing options for to better suit developers interested in single or multi-platform development with the Xamarin Framework and our UI suite. Also new with this Service Pack is the new Calendar Control for Xamarin.Forms. It allows you to easily implement various calendar scenarios in your Xamarin.Forms project.
    December 16, 2014