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Put the Drawer in MiniMode on small screens
Product | Drawer for Blazor |
I would like to put the Drawer in MiniMode on small screens. This behavior would be great for mobile devices.
- The Blazor application has to be aware of the current browser width. One way to achieve this is to use the TelerikMediaQuery component.
- Use the MediaQuery
[OnChange event](slug://mediaquery-events)
to put the Drawer in MiniMode.
Put the Drawer in MiniMode on small screens
@* This example assumes that a max-width of 767px as a suitable match for a small screen size. You can adjust that value as needed in your application.
To see the behavior, resize the browser window *@
<TelerikMediaQuery Media="(max-width: 767px)"
<TelerikButton OnClick="@(() => DrawerRef.ToggleAsync())" Icon="@SvgIcon.Menu">Toggle drawer</TelerikButton>
<TelerikDrawer Data="@Data"
@code {
private bool isSmallScreen { get; set; }
private void OnChangeSmallScreenHandler(bool doesMatch)
//Triggers MiniMode on Small screens
isSmallScreen = doesMatch;
//Alternatively, you can use the CollapseAsync() method
//exposed on the TelerikDrawer @ref
//await DrawerRef.CollapseAsync();
public TelerikDrawer<DrawerItem> DrawerRef { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<DrawerItem> Data { get; set; } =
new List<DrawerItem>
new DrawerItem { Text = "Counter", Icon = SvgIcon.Plus},
new DrawerItem { Text = "FetchData", Icon = SvgIcon.GridLayout},
public class DrawerItem
public string Text { get; set; }
public ISvgIcon Icon { get; set; }