MediaQuery Overview

The MediaQuery component for Blazor allows you to react when the user changes the size of the browser.

ninja-iconThe MediaQuery component is part of Telerik UI for Blazor, a professional grade UI library with 110+ native components for building modern and feature-rich applications. To try it out sign up for a free 30-day trial.Start Free Trial

Creating Blazor MediaQuery

To use the TelerikMediaQuery on your page:

  1. Add the <TelerikMediaQuery> tag to your razor page.
  2. Set the Media parameter to a CSS media query to be matched. Use one component instance for each media query.
  3. Use the OnChange event to determine when the Media is matched.
@* Resize a container based on the browser size *@

<TelerikMediaQuery Media="@SmallScreenMediaQuery" OnChange="@((doesMatch) => IsSmallScreen = doesMatch)"></TelerikMediaQuery>
<TelerikMediaQuery Media="@LargeScreenMediaQuery" OnChange="@((doesMatch) => isLarge = doesMatch)"></TelerikMediaQuery>

<div style="width:@GetContainerWidth(); height: 400px; border: 1px solid black">
    Shrink the browser to resize the container.

@code {
    private bool IsSmallScreen { get; set; }
    private bool isLarge { get; set; }

    private string SmallScreenMediaQuery { get; set; } = "(max-width: 767px)";
    private string LargeScreenMediaQuery { get; set; } = "(min-width: 1199px)";

    private string GetContainerWidth()
        string width = "900px";

        if (IsSmallScreen)
            width = "500px";
        if (isLarge)
            width = "100%";

        return width;

MediaQuery Parameters

MediastringThe media query string that will be matched.


The MediaQuery component facilitates the usage of CSS media queries in your C# code:

  • The MediaQuery component makes it easy to use C# logic based on the matched media query breakpoints. For example, you can change parameter values, replace a component with a different component or even not render parts of the layout. With CSS alone you can resize parts of the app or hide them visually, but they still render.
  • The MediaQuery component is not designed as a full replacement for responsive design, layout and CSS. You should use them to create your responsive application layouts like with any other web application.

Next Steps

See Also