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Window Size

The Window offers different features to control its size:

Width and Height

If you know the size you need, just set the Width or Height parameters. They can take valid CSS values (see the Dimensions article).

The Window also provides parameters that control its dimensions in a more flexible way:

  • MinHeight
  • MaxHeight
  • MinWidth
  • MaxWidth

Min/max dimensions take precedence over user resizing and Width / Height settings.

If no dimensions are set, the Window will expand, according to its contents, like any other <div> element. This may affect the Window's positioning.

If you set dimensions and the Window content does not fit, scrollbars will show.

Configure Window Width and Height, and min/max dimensions

<TelerikWindow @bind-Visible="@WindowIsVisible"
        Window Title
        <p>The default width is 600px. The user can resize from 400px to 800px.</p>
        <p>The default height is 300px. The user can resize from 200px to 400px.</p>

@code {
    bool WindowIsVisible { get; set; } = true;

Maximize and Minimize

The user can maximize and minimize the Window through action buttons in its titlebar.

You can invoke those actions by setting the State parameter. It takes a member of the Telerik.Blazor.WindowState enum:

WindowState ValueDescription
DefaultThe size and position will depend on the Top, Left, Centered, Width, Height, Size parameters.
MinimizedThe Window will show its titlebar only. The component will dispose its content and remove it from the page DOM. If you prefer to just hide the Window content with CSS, set PersistContent to true.
MaximizedThe Window will take up the entire viewport.

Maximize, Minimize and Restore the Window programmatically

@* The user actions also change the state when two-way binding is used *@

<select @bind=@State>
    <option value=@WindowState.Default>Default</option>
    <option value=@WindowState.Minimized>Minimized</option>
    <option value=@WindowState.Maximized>Maximized</option>

<TelerikWindow @bind-State="@State" Width="500px" Height="300px" Visible="true"
               Top="500px" Left="600px">
        <strong>Lorem ipsum</strong>
        <WindowAction Name="Minimize"></WindowAction>
        <WindowAction Name="Maximize"></WindowAction>
        <WindowAction Name="Close"></WindowAction>
        <select @bind=@State>
            <option value=@WindowState.Default>Default</option>
            <option value=@WindowState.Minimized>Minimized</option>
            <option value=@WindowState.Maximized>Maximized</option>

@code {
    public WindowState State { get; set; } = WindowState.Default;

With a maximized window you may want to ensure all other content stays "behind" it. To do that, see the Block all content with a Window article on ensuring that the CSS rules in the project can enable that.


By default, the Window is resizable. Window resizing can be controlled with min/max Window dimensions.

To disable resizing, set the Resizable parameter to false.

Window Resizing

@* Toggle the resizable parameter through a button *@

<TelerikButton OnClick="@(() => WindowResizable = !WindowResizable)">Toggle Resizable</TelerikButton>

<TelerikWindow @bind-Visible="@WindowVisible"
        <strong>Lorem ipsum</strong>
        <WindowAction Name="Minimize"></WindowAction>
        <WindowAction Name="Maximize"></WindowAction>
        <WindowAction Name="Close"></WindowAction>
        This is my window <strong>popup</strong> content.

@code {
    public bool WindowResizable { get; set; } = true;
    public bool WindowVisible { get; set; } = true;

See Also