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Window Actions

The Window offers action buttons in its titlebar:

  • built-in actions
    • Maximize
    • Minimize
    • Close
  • custom action buttons

To define action buttons, populate the WindowActions tag of the Window with WindowAction instances.

Action Parameters

Action buttons expose the following properties:

ParameterType and Default ValueDescription
NamestringThe name of the action. Can be one of the built-in actions (see above), or a custom action name.
HiddenboolSets if the action button is rendered. Do not use for Minimize and Maximize actions - the Window manages their visibility internally, based on the component state. Check the example below for a possible alternative.
OnClickEventCallback<MouseEventArgs>An event handler to respond to custom action clicks.
IconstringThe CSS class of the icon to be rendered. Use with the Telerik font icons, or set your own font icon class.
TitlestringThe title HTML attribute of the action button.

Built-in Actions

The built-in actions of a Window

<TelerikWindow Visible="true">
		@if (!HideMinMax)
			<WindowAction Name="Minimize" />
			<WindowAction Name="Maximize" />
		<WindowAction Name="Close" Hidden="false" />
	    Optional title
		I have action buttons. Try using them, but if you close me, you can't reopen me without a few lines of code, so try that last.
		<br />
		The titlebar will now render even if you don't define a title, because it will show the action buttons.

@code {
	bool HideMinMax { get; set; } = false;

Setting a custom icon for a built-in action is not supported as the Window will override it and use the default icon for the corresponding built-in action. If you need to specify a custom icon, use a custom action instead of the built-in one.

Custom Actions

You can create a custom action icon and you must provide its OnClick handler.

Handling a custom action

Custom actions can call C# directly

<link href="" rel="stylesheet" />

<TelerikWindow Visible="@WindowVisible">
		<WindowAction Title="MyAction" Icon="@SvgIcon.Gear" OnClick="@MyCustomActionHandler" />
		<WindowAction Title="CustomClose" Icon="@("fas fa-x")" OnClick="@(()=> WindowVisible = false)" />
		<br />
		Even if you do not define a title, the titlebar will render so you can get to the actions.

@if (!WindowVisible)
	<TelerikButton OnClick="@( () => WindowVisible=true )">Show the Window</TelerikButton>

@code {
	private bool WindowVisible { get; set; } = true;

	private string result;

	private void MyCustomActionHandler()
		result = "custom action button clicked on: " + DateTime.Now.ToString();


Using Both Action Types

You can mix custom actions with built-in actions, and you do not have to define all of the available ones.

Mixing built-in actions with custom actions

@* You can define any collection of actions. The second custom action shows all its features. *@

<TelerikWindow Visible="true">
        <WindowAction Name="Minimize" />
        <WindowAction Name="MyAction" Icon="@SvgIcon.InfoCircle" OnClick="@MyCustomActionHandler" />
        <WindowAction Name="Maximize" />
        <WindowAction Hidden="@( string.IsNullOrEmpty(result) )"
                      Title="my custom title attribute that is a tooltip when you hover the action"
                      OnClick="@( () => result = string.Empty )" />
        <br />
        You can mix custom actions with the built-in ones in any order. If a custom action is used, its OnClick handler is mandatory.
    <WindowTitle>Lorem ipsum</WindowTitle>

@code {
    string result;
    public void MyCustomActionHandler()
        result = "custom action button clicked on: " + DateTime.Now.ToString();


See Also