Blazor ListBox Overview

The ListBox for Blazor is an enhanced version of the HTML <select multiple> element. The ListBox provides many additional features such as item reordering, item removal, and moving items from one ListBox to another through toolbar buttons or drag-and-drop. The ListBox also allows single or multiple item selection and will show a vertical scrollbar automatically if the items don't fit. The component features templates to customize its rendering.

ninja-iconThe ListBox component is part of Telerik UI for Blazor, a professional grade UI library with 110+ native components for building modern and feature-rich applications. To try it out sign up for a free 30-day trial.Start Free Trial

Creating Blazor ListBox

To use a Telerik ListBox for Blazor:

  1. Add the TelerikListBox tag.
  2. Set the Data parameter to an IEnumerable<T>.
  3. Set TextField to the property name that holds the string values to display in the ListBox. Skip this step when binding the component to a collection of strings or value type data.
  4. Set SelectedItems to an IEnumerable<T> to store or change the component selection. Optionally, enable multiple selection.
  5. Configure the ListBox toolbar in <ListBoxToolBarSettings> and specify which buttons will be visible. By default, the toolbar shows all buttons. Each button requires an event handler to work.
  6. (optional) Set the Width and Height parameters, based on the number of toolbar buttons and desired number of visible items. The component will automatically show a vertical scrollbar if needed. Long items will wrap.
  7. Set the @ref attribute and obtain reference to the ListBox instance. This is necessary to Rebind() the component after programmatic data changes.

Basic Blazor ListBox

@* ListBox with item selection and reordering *@

<TelerikListBox @ref="@ListBoxRef"
                OnReorder="@( (ListBoxReorderEventArgs<ListBoxModel> args) => OnListBoxReorder(args) )"
            <ListBoxToolBarMoveUpTool />
            <ListBoxToolBarMoveDownTool />

@code {
    private TelerikListBox<ListBoxModel> ListBoxRef { get; set; } = null!;

    private List<ListBoxModel> ListBoxData { get; set; } = new List<ListBoxModel>();

    private IEnumerable<ListBoxModel> ListBoxSelectedItems { get; set; } = new List<ListBoxModel>();

    private void OnListBoxReorder(ListBoxReorderEventArgs<ListBoxModel> args)
        ListBoxData.RemoveAll(x => args.Items.Contains(x));
        ListBoxData.InsertRange(args.ToIndex, args.Items);


    protected override void OnInitialized()
        for (int i = 1; i <= 7; i++)
            ListBoxData.Add(new ListBoxModel()
                Id = i,
                Name = $"ListBox Item {i}",

    public class ListBoxModel
        public int Id { get; set; }
        public string Name { get; set; } = string.Empty;

Data Binding

The ListBox supports binding to a model class, which requires setting the TextField parameter, unless the property name is "Text". Another option is to bind the component to a collection of strings or value type data.

Bind ListBox to List<string>

<TelerikListBox Data="@ListBoxStrings"
        <ListBoxToolBar Visible="false" />

@code {
    private List<string> ListBoxStrings { get; set; } = new List<string>();

    private IEnumerable<string> ListBoxSelectedStrings { get; set; } = new List<string>();

    protected override void OnInitialized()
        for (int i = 1; i <= 7; i++)
            ListBoxStrings.Add($"String {i}");


The ListBox includes a toolbar with some built-in buttons. These tools fire events, which are related to item removal, reordering, or transfer to another ListBox. The component supports removing some of the default buttons or adding custom ones. You can also control the toolbar position with regard to the ListBox item list, or hide the toolbar completely.


The ListBox allows users to move one or multiple items up and down with built-in toolbar buttons. The component will fire its OnReoder event, so that the app can apply the new item order in the ListBox Data. See an example above or on the ListBox Events page.


Users can select just one ListBox item or multiple items with the mouse or keyboard. The behavior depends on the SelectedItems parameter value.

Move Items Between ListBoxes

You can connect several ListBox components and enable users to move items from one ListBox to another.

Drag and Drop Items

Users can also reorder items or move items to another ListBox with drag and drop.


The ListBox component provides templates to enable developers to customize the rendering and appearance of the component.


The various ListBox events allow you to implement custom functionality and handle user interactions with the component's toolbar.

ListBox Parameters

The table below lists the ListBox parameters. For a full list of the ListBox API members (parameters, methods, and events), check the ListBox API Reference.

ParameterType and Default ValueDescription
AriaLabelstringThe aria-label attribute of the <ul> element that holds the ListBox items.
AriaLabelledBystringThe aria-labelledby attribute of the <ul> element that holds the ListBox items.
ClassstringThe class attribute of the <div class="k-listbox"> element. Use it to apply custom styles or override the theme.
ConnectedListBoxIdstringThe Id value of another ListBox instance. Use it to connect multiple ListBox instances and transfer items between them.
DataIEnumerable<T> *The ListBox component data collection.
DraggableboolDefines if users can drag and drop ListBox items.
DropSourcesList<string>The Id values of the ListBoxes from which users can drag items into the current ListBox.
Defines if the ListBox allows item selection and toolbar operation.
HeightstringThe height style of the component in any supported CSS unit. The default ListBox dimensions depend on the CSS theme.
IdstringThe id attribute of <div class="k-listbox">. Use it to link multiple ListBox instances and transfer items between them.
SelectedItemsIEnumerable<T> *The selected item(s) of the ListBox. The parameter supports two-way binding. The variable that is used with this parameter must be specifically IEnumerable<T> and not List<T>.
SelectionModeListBoxSelectionMode enum
Defines if users can select just one or multiple items.
This parameter controls ListBox styles such as paddings or font size. For easier usage, set the parameter to a member of the static class Telerik.Blazor.ThemeConstants.ListBox.Size.
The property name of class T that holds the item value to display in the ListBox.
TItemTypeThe ListBox model type. Although the compiler can usually infer the type from the Data parameter, you can set TItem for simpler syntax in the event handler declarations.
ToolBarPositionListBoxToolBarPosition enum
The ListBox toolbar position with relation to the item list.
WidthstringThe width style of the component in any supported CSS unit. The default ListBox dimensions depend on the CSS theme.

* T is the ListBox model type.

ListBox Reference and Methods

The ListBox exposes methods for programmatic operation. To use them, define a reference to the component instance with the @ref directive attribute.

RebindRefreshes the ListBox and ensures it displays the current Data. Rebind is necessary when the Blazor framework cannot re-render components automatically.

ListBox reference and method usage

<TelerikListBox @ref="@ListBoxRef"
        <ListBoxToolBar Visible="false" />

<TelerikButton OnClick="@AddListBoxItem">Add ListBox Item</TelerikButton>

@code {
    private TelerikListBox<ListBoxModel> ListBoxRef { get; set; } = null!;

    private List<ListBoxModel> ListBoxData { get; set; } = new List<ListBoxModel>();

    private IEnumerable<ListBoxModel> ListBoxSelectedItems { get; set; } = new List<ListBoxModel>();

    private void AddListBoxItem()
        var newId = ListBoxData.Count + 1;
        ListBoxData.Add(new ListBoxModel() { Id = newId, Name = $"Item {newId}" });


    public class ListBoxModel
        public int Id { get; set; }
        public string Name { get; set; } = string.Empty;

Next Steps

See Also