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ListBox Toolbar

The ListBox toolbar can render built-in and custom tools. The built-in tools are buttons that reorder and remove items or transfer items from and to another ListBox component. This article describes the built-in tools and shows how to add custom tools or customize the toolbar.

Built-in Tools

By default, the ListBox displays all its built-in tools in the order below. Use the respective tool tag if you need to define a tool explicitly in a custom toolbar configuration.

Each button becomes enabled when it can be used, for example, when the user selects items. Each built-in button fires an event and the app must implement the required data source operation.

Tool NameTool TagEvent On ClickDescription
Move Up<ListBoxToolBarMoveUpTool />OnReorderMoves the selected item(s) down by one position.
Move Down<ListBoxToolBarMoveDownTool />OnReorderMoves the selected items up by one position.
Transfer To<ListBoxToolBarTransferToTool />OnTransferMoves the selected items to a connected ListBox component.
Transfer From<ListBoxToolBarTransferFromTool />OnTransferMoves the selected items from a connected ListBox component to the current one.
Transfer All To<ListBoxToolBarTransferAllToTool />OnTransferMoves all items to a connected ListBox component.
Transfer All From<ListBoxToolBarTransferAllFromTool />OnTransferMoves all items from the connected ListBox component to the current one.
Remove<ListBoxToolBarRemoveTool />OnRemoveRemoves the selected item(s).

The descriptions above mention the typical user operation that each button implies. However, the exact operation depends entirely on the business requirements and event handler implementation. For example:

  • Clicking on the Remove button can apply custom disabled styling to an item, instead of removing it. The app may also prevent selection of this item through the ListBox SelectedItemsChanged event.
  • Transferred items can be copied to another ListBox component, rather than moved.
  • Reordered non-adjacent items can be moved with or without the gap between them.

Custom Tools

In addition to built-in tools, the ListBox also supports custom tools. Use the <ListBoxToolBarCustomTool> tag, which is a standard Blazor RenderFragment. See the example under Toolbar Configuration.

Toolbar Configuration

The following example demonstrates how to:

  • Define a custom ListBox toolbar configuration with the desired tools in a specific order.
  • Mimic the default toolbar configuration, except for the custom tool.
  • Enable or disable a custom toolbar button, depending on the current ListBox selection.

The example below omits all required event handlers for brevity. Consult the ListBox Events article for more information and complete examples.

Setting up the ListBox Toolbar

@* ListBox and Button handlers are not defined for brevity. *@

<h2>Select ListBox toolbar position</h2>

<TelerikRadioGroup Data="@RadioGroupData"

<br />
<br />

<TelerikListBox Data="@ListBoxData"
        <ListBoxToolBar Visible="true">
            <ListBoxToolBarMoveUpTool />
            <ListBoxToolBarMoveDownTool />
            <ListBoxToolBarTransferToTool />
            <ListBoxToolBarTransferFromTool />
            <ListBoxToolBarTransferAllToTool />
            <ListBoxToolBarTransferAllFromTool />
            <ListBoxToolBarRemoveTool />
                <TelerikButton Icon="@SvgIcon.Gear"
                               Enabled="@( ListBoxSelectedItems.Count() > 0 )" />

@code {
    private List<ListBoxModel> ListBoxData { get; set; } = new List<ListBoxModel>();

    private IEnumerable<ListBoxModel> ListBoxSelectedItems { get; set; } = new List<ListBoxModel>();

    private ListBoxToolBarPosition CurrentToolBarPosition { get; set; } = ListBoxToolBarPosition.Right;

    private List<ListBoxToolBarPosition> RadioGroupData { get; set; } = new List<ListBoxToolBarPosition>() {

    protected override void OnInitialized()
        for (int i = 1; i <= 7; i++)
            ListBoxData.Add(new ListBoxModel()
                Id = i,
                Name = $"ListBox Item {i}",


    public class ListBoxModel
        public int Id { get; set; }
        public string Name { get; set; } = string.Empty;

The <ListBoxToolBar> tag exposes ChildContent as a Blazor RenderFragment.

  • If you add this tag just to toggle its Visible parameter at runtime, you must also define the toolbar buttons explicitly. Otherwise the RenderFragment will remain empty (but not null) and no buttons will show.
  • RenderFragment allows any child content (yet), however, the ListBox expects only built-in or custom tools.

Next Steps

See Also