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Circular Gauge Scale

The scale of the Circular Gauge renders the values, pointers and labels. You can customize it by adding an instance of the <CircularGaugeScale> to the <CircularGaugeScales> collection, child tag of the <TelerikCircularGauge>.

The <CircularGaugeScale> exposes the following parameters:

MinorTicks and MajorTicks

  • The MinorTicks (object) parameter configures the scale minor ticks. It exposes Color, Size, Visible and Width parameters to control the rendering of the minor ticks.

    • The default value of the Visible parameter is false, so in order to display the MinorTicks on the scale include <CircularGaugeScaleMinorTicks Visible="true"></CircularGaugeScaleMinorTicks> in the <CircularGaugeScale> tag.
  • The MajorTicks (object) parameter configures the scale major ticks. It exposes Color, Size, Visible and Width parameters to control the rendering of the major ticks.

    • The default value of the Visible parameter is false, so in order to display the MajorTicks on the scale include <CircularGaugeScaleMajorTicks Visible="true"></CircularGaugeScaleMajorTicks> in the <CircularGaugeScale> tag.

Change the rendering of the minor and major ticks. The result from the code snippet below.

Minor and major ticks parameters

@* Render and customize the minor and major ticks. *@


            <CircularGaugeScaleMajorTicks Visible="true" Width="3"></CircularGaugeScaleMajorTicks>
            <CircularGaugeScaleMinorTicks Visible="true" Color="red"></CircularGaugeScaleMinorTicks>
            <CircularGaugeScaleLabels Visible="true"></CircularGaugeScaleLabels>



        <CircularGaugePointer Value="60">


Min and Max

  • The Max (double) parameter controls the maximum value that the component can reach.

  • The Min (double) parameter controls the minimum value of the component.

Change the minimum and the maximum values for the scale. The result from the code snippet below.

Min and max parameters example

@* Use the Min and Max parameters to change the minimum and maximum values for the scale *@


        <CircularGaugeScale Min="10" Max="100">
            <CircularGaugeScaleMajorTicks Visible="true"></CircularGaugeScaleMajorTicks>
            <CircularGaugeScaleMinorTicks Visible="true"></CircularGaugeScaleMinorTicks>
            <CircularGaugeScaleLabels Visible="true"></CircularGaugeScaleLabels>



        <CircularGaugePointer Value="50">


MinorUnit and MajorUnit

  • The MajorUnit (double) parameter controls the interval between the major unit divisions of the component. The labels will be rendered next to the MajorUnit ticks.

  • The MinorUnit (double) parameter controls the interval between the minor unit divisions of the component.

Change the rendering of the minor and major unit divisions. The result from the code snippet below.

Minor and major units parameters

@* Update the rendering of the major and minor units. *@



        <CircularGaugeScale MajorUnit="10" MinorUnit="5">
            <CircularGaugeScaleMajorTicks Visible="true"></CircularGaugeScaleMajorTicks>
            <CircularGaugeScaleMinorTicks Visible="true"></CircularGaugeScaleMinorTicks>
            <CircularGaugeScaleLabels Visible="true"></CircularGaugeScaleLabels>



        <CircularGaugePointer Value="70">


Start Angle

The StartAngle (double) parameter controls the start angle of the gauge. The gauge is rendered clockwise (0 degrees are the 180 degrees in the polar coordinate system). Defaults to 90 degrees.

Change the Start Angle of the Circular Gauge. The result from the code snippet below.

Start Angle parameter

@* Use StartAngle parameter to change the start angle of the scale. *@


        <CircularGaugeScale StartAngle="0">
            <CircularGaugeScaleMajorTicks Visible="true"></CircularGaugeScaleMajorTicks>
            <CircularGaugeScaleMinorTicks Visible="true"></CircularGaugeScaleMinorTicks>
            <CircularGaugeScaleLabels Visible="true"></CircularGaugeScaleLabels>



        <CircularGaugePointer Value="60">



If you set the Reverse (bool) parameter to true the scale direction will be reversed - values will increase anticlockwise.

Reverse the scale of the Circular Gauge. The result from the code snippet below.

Reverse parameter example

@* Reverse the scale. *@


        <CircularGaugeScale Reverse="true">
            <CircularGaugeScaleMajorTicks Visible="true"></CircularGaugeScaleMajorTicks>
            <CircularGaugeScaleMinorTicks Visible="true"></CircularGaugeScaleMinorTicks>
            <CircularGaugeScaleLabels Visible="true"></CircularGaugeScaleLabels>



        <CircularGaugePointer Value="60">


Additional Customization

To further customize the elements of the Circular Gauge you can use nested tags. When configuring nested properties and child elements in your Circular Gauge, the inner tags will contain their parent tag name and add specifics to its end. In general the structure of such nested tags will be <CircularGauge*Category**Specifics*> where the Category can be one of the following:

  • Scale
  • GaugeArea

See Also