Data Operation Descriptors
This article explains how to retrieve the applied filtering, searching, sorting, and grouping criteria in Blazor components. The article applies to components that support these features. The components that offer one or all of the functionalities are:
- Components that expose an
event, excluding the ListView, because the ListView doesn't support built-in filtering, searching, sorting, and grouping. - Filter
- Gantt
- TreeList
Get Sort, Filter, Group, and Search Descriptors
You can obtain the applied filtering, searching, sorting, and grouping criteria in two ways:
Through the OnRead Event
Use the Request
property of the OnRead
event argument object:
async Task OnReadHandler(...ReadEventArgs args)
// Get the applied filtering and searching criteria.
// args.Request.Filters
// Get the applied grouping criteria, including:
// *The field by which the user groups.
// *The sort direction of the groups ordering.
// args.Request.Groups
// Get the applied sorting criteria, including:
// *The field which the user sorts.
// *The sort direction.
// args.Request.Sorts
See the complete example at the bottom of the article.
Through the Component State
Use the component's state property of the OnStateChanged
event argument. This approach applies to the Gantt, Grid, and TreeList because they expose the state feature. For example:
async Task OnStateChangedHandler(GridStateEventArgs<Product> args)
// Get the applied filtering criteria.
// args.GridState.FilterDescriptors
// Get the applied searching criteria.
// args.GridState.SearchFilter
// Get the applied grouping criteria, including:
// *The field by which the user groups.
// *The sort direction of the groups ordering.
// args.GridState.GroupDescriptors
// Get the applied sorting criteria, including:
// *The field which the user sorts.
// *The sort direction.
// args.GridState.SortDescriptors
See the complete example at the bottom of the article.
The args.Request.Filters
and the args....State.FilterDescriptors
are collections of IFilterDescriptor
. To access the filtering criteria, such as the user input to filter by, cast each IFilterDescriptor
from the respective collection:
- If the component is of type input or select, such as the AutoComplete, ComboBox, DropDownList, MultiColumnComboBox, MultiSelect, cast the first
from the collection toFilterDescriptor
. - Otherwise, cast each
from theargs.Request.Filters
collection, respectively from theargs....State.FilterDescriptors
collection, toCompositeFilterDescriptor
The CompositeFilterDescriptor
- The
property. This property represents another collection ofIFilterDescriptor
. To access the filtering criteria, cast eachIFilterDescriptor
to aFilterDescriptor
. When the Filter component gets groupable filtering, cast eachIFilterDescriptor
to anotherCompositeFilterDescriptor
. - The
property. This property can be eitherAND
. This property represents the logical operator applied between the instances in theFilterDescriptors
When the filtering is initiated, the CompositeFilterDescriptor
properties get different values depending on the filter mode:
Filter Mode | FilterDescriptors Property Value | LogicalOperator Property Value |
FilterMenu | Two filter descriptor instances for each filtered field. Each filter descriptor instance gets the user input as Value . If there is no user input in one of the input fields in the menu, then this filter descriptor instance Value is null. | Depending on the user's choice. |
FilterRow | Two filter descriptor instances for each filtered field. The second filter descriptor instance always gets null as Value , because there is no second input field. | AND |
The searching criteria in a Grid or TreeList are stored in an individual IFilterDescriptor
. Cast it to CompositeFilterDescriptor
. The CompositeFilterDescriptor
holds one child FilterDescriptor
for each searchable string column. Each FilterDescriptor
has the same Value
, which is the user's search input. The value of the LogicalOperator
property of the CompositeFilterDescriptor
is OR
The sorting criteria in a Grid, TreeList or Gantt are stored in a collection of SortDescriptor
objects. Each SortDescriptor
instance gives access to:
- The
—The field where the user sorts. - The
—The sort direction for this sort descriptor.
When the SortMode
is Multiple
, you may need to consider the order of the SortDescriptor
instances. The first applied sorting criteria take precedence over all others. If there are equal values in the first sorted items, then those items are sorted by the following sorting criteria.
Тhe grouping criteria for each group are stored in an individual collection of GroupDescriptor
objects. The GroupDescriptor
class inherits the SortDescriptor
class and gives access to the same properties as the SortDescriptor
The user may group by multiple fields. The groups for subsequent fields will be nested within their parent groups. The grouping criteria from the parent group are stored in the first GroupDescriptor
instance from the collection.
Example with OnRead Event Handler
You can obtain the FilterDescriptor, SortDescriptor, and GroupDescriptor in the OnRead
event handler.
@using Telerik.DataSource
@using Telerik.DataSource.Extensions
<TelerikGrid TItem="@SampleData"
Pageable="true" PageSize="15"
<GridSearchBox />
<GridColumn Field="@nameof(SampleData.Id)" />
<GridColumn Field="@nameof(SampleData.Name)" />
<GridColumn Field="@nameof(SampleData.Team)" />
<GridColumn Field="@nameof(SampleData.HireDate)" />
@code {
private MarkupString ConsoleSim { get; set; } //To showcase what you get.
private async Task OnReadHandler(GridReadEventArgs args)
string output = string.Empty;
//Get the filtering and searching criteria.
output += "<span><strong>FILTERS:</strong><span></br>";
foreach (var item in args.Request.Filters)
if (item is CompositeFilterDescriptor)
CompositeFilterDescriptor currFilter = (CompositeFilterDescriptor)item;
output += $"START nested filter: Logical operator: {currFilter.LogicalOperator}, details:<br />";
foreach (FilterDescriptor nestedFilter in currFilter.FilterDescriptors)
output += $"Filtered field: {nestedFilter.Member}, Filter operator: {nestedFilter.Operator}, Filter value: {nestedFilter.Value}<br />";
output += "END nested filter<br />";
//Get the sorting criteria.
output += "<span><strong>SORTS:</strong><span></br>";
foreach (SortDescriptor item in args.Request.Sorts)
output += $"Sorted field: {item.Member}, Sort direction: {item.SortDirection} <br />";
//Get the grouping criteria.
output += "<span><strong>GROUPS:</strong><span></br>";
foreach (GroupDescriptor item in args.Request.Groups)
output += $"Grouped field: {item.Member}, Group sort direction: {item.SortDirection} <br />";
ConsoleSim = new MarkupString(output);
var result = PristineData.ToDataSourceResult(args.Request);
args.Data = result.Data;
args.Total = result.Total;
private IEnumerable<SampleData> PristineData = Enumerable.Range(1, 300).Select(x => new SampleData
Id = x,
Name = "name " + x,
Team = "team " + x % 5,
HireDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-x).Date
public class SampleData
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Team { get; set; }
public DateTime HireDate { get; set; }
Example with Component State
You can obtain the FilterDescriptor, SearchFilter, SortDescriptor, and GroupDescriptor through the component's state.
@using System.Text.Json
@using Telerik.DataSource
<TelerikGrid Data="@GridData"
Pageable="true" PageSize="15"
OnStateChanged="@( (GridStateEventArgs<Product> args) => OnGridStateChanged(args) )">
<GridSearchBox />
<GridColumn Field="@nameof(Product.Name)" />
<GridColumn Field="@nameof(Product.Category)" />
<GridColumn Field="@nameof(Product.Stock)" />
<GridColumn Field="@nameof(Product.Discontinued)" />
@code {
private MarkupString ConsoleSim { get; set; }
private List<Product> GridData { get; set; } = new List<Product>();
private async Task OnGridStateChanged(GridStateEventArgs<Product> args)
string output = string.Empty;
//Get the searching criteria.
output += "<span><strong>SEARCHING:</strong><span></br>";
var searching = args.GridState.SearchFilter;
if (searching is CompositeFilterDescriptor)
CompositeFilterDescriptor currSearch = searching as CompositeFilterDescriptor;
output += $"START nested searching: Logical operator: {currSearch.LogicalOperator}, details:<br />";
foreach (FilterDescriptor nestedSearch in currSearch.FilterDescriptors)
output += $"Search field: {nestedSearch.Member}, Search operator {nestedSearch.Operator}, Search value: {nestedSearch.Value}<br />";
output += "END nested searching<br />";
//Get the filtering criteria.
output += "<span><strong>FILTERS:</strong><span></br>";
foreach (var item in args.GridState.FilterDescriptors)
if (item is CompositeFilterDescriptor)
CompositeFilterDescriptor currFilter = item as CompositeFilterDescriptor;
output += $"START nested filter: Logical operator: {currFilter.LogicalOperator}, details:<br />";
foreach (FilterDescriptor nestedFilter in currFilter.FilterDescriptors)
output += $"Filtered field: {nestedFilter.Member}, Filter operator: {nestedFilter.Operator}, Filter value: {nestedFilter.Value}<br />";
output += "END nested filter<br />";
//Get the sorting criteria.
output += "<span><strong>SORTS:</strong><span></br>";
foreach (SortDescriptor item in args.GridState.SortDescriptors)
output += $"Sorted field: {item.Member}, Sort direction: {item.SortDirection} <br />";
//Get the grouping criteria.
output += "<span><strong>GROUPS:</strong><span></br>";
foreach (SortDescriptor item in args.GridState.GroupDescriptors)
output += $"Grouped field: {item.Member}, Group sort direction: {item.SortDirection} <br />";
ConsoleSim = new MarkupString(output);
protected override void OnInitialized()
var rnd = new Random();
for (int i = 1; i <= 12; i++)
GridData.Add(new Product()
Id = i,
Name = $"Product {i}",
Category = $"Category {i % 4 + 1}",
Stock = rnd.Next(0, 100),
Discontinued = i % 3 == 0
public class Product
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; } = string.Empty;
public string Category { get; set; } = string.Empty;
public int Stock { get; set; }
public bool Discontinued { get; set; }