MultiColumnComboBox Events
This article describes the events of the Telerik MultiColumnComboBox for Blazor.
The ValueChanged
event fires upon every change of the user selection. When custom values are enabled, it fires upon every keystroke, like in a regular <input>
The type of the argument in the lambda expression must match the Value
type of the component, and the ValueField
type (if ValueField
is set).
Handle ValueChanged
<TelerikMultiColumnComboBox Data="@MultiComboData"
ValueChanged="@((int value) => ValueChangedHandler(value))"
<MultiColumnComboBoxColumn Field="@nameof(SampleData.Id)" Title="The id" ></MultiColumnComboBoxColumn>
<MultiColumnComboBoxColumn Field="@nameof(SampleData.Name)" Title="The name"></MultiColumnComboBoxColumn>
@code {
private void ValueChangedHandler(int value)
BoundValue = value;
public int BoundValue { get; set; }
public List<SampleData> MultiComboData { get; set; } = Enumerable.Range(0, 30).Select(x => new SampleData()
Id = x,
Name = "Name " + x
public class SampleData
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
Handle ValueChanged with custom values - the event fires on every keystroke
<TelerikMultiColumnComboBox Data="@MultiComboData"
ValueChanged="@((string value) => ValueChangedHandler(value))"
<MultiColumnComboBoxColumn Field="@nameof(SampleData.Id)" Title="The id"></MultiColumnComboBoxColumn>
<MultiColumnComboBoxColumn Field="@nameof(SampleData.Name)" Title="The name"></MultiColumnComboBoxColumn>
@code {
private void ValueChangedHandler(string value)
BoundValue = value;
public string BoundValue { get; set; }
public List<SampleData> MultiComboData { get; set; } = Enumerable.Range(0, 30).Select(x => new SampleData()
Id = x.ToString(),
Name = "Name " + x
public class SampleData
public string Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
The event is an
. It can be synchronous and returnvoid
, or asynchronous and returnasync Task
. Do not useasync void
The lambda expression in the handler is required by the framework:
The OnChange
event represents a user action - confirmation of the current value/item. It is suitable for handling custom values the user can enter as if the MultiColumnComboBox was an input. The key differences with ValueChanged
does not prevent two-way binding (the@bind-Value
fires when the user pressesEnter
in the input, or blurs the input (for example, clicks outside of the combo box). It does not fire on every keystroke, even whenAllowCustom="true"
, but it fires when an item is selected from the dropdown. To get the selected item, you can check if the new value is present in the data source.
Handle OnChange without custom values - to get a value from the list, you must write text that will match the text of an item (e.g, "item 5").
<TelerikMultiColumnComboBox Data="@MultiComboData"
<MultiColumnComboBoxColumn Field="@nameof(SampleData.Id)" Title="The id"></MultiColumnComboBoxColumn>
<MultiColumnComboBoxColumn Field="@nameof(SampleData.Name)" Title="The name"></MultiColumnComboBoxColumn>
@code {
private string result;
private void OnChangeHandler(object theUserInput)
result = $"The user entered: {(int)theUserInput}";
public int BoundValue { get; set; }
public List<SampleData> MultiComboData { get; set; } = Enumerable.Range(0, 30).Select(x => new SampleData()
Id = x,
Name = "Name " + x
public class SampleData
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
Handle OnChange with custom values - the event fires on blur or enter
<TelerikMultiColumnComboBox Data="@MultiComboData"
<MultiColumnComboBoxColumn Field="@nameof(SampleData.Id)" Title="The id"></MultiColumnComboBoxColumn>
<MultiColumnComboBoxColumn Field="@nameof(SampleData.Name)" Title="The name"></MultiColumnComboBoxColumn>
@code {
private string result;
private void OnChangeHandler(object theUserInput)
result = $"The user entered: {(string)theUserInput}";
public string BoundValue { get; set; }
public List<SampleData> MultiComboData { get; set; } = Enumerable.Range(0, 30).Select(x => new SampleData()
Id = x.ToString(),
Name = "Name " + x
public class SampleData
public string Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
Get familiar with the common
event documentation first.
You can use the OnRead
event to provide data to the component according to some custom logic, the user input, or the current virtual scroll position. The event fires when:
- The component initializes.
- The user filters.
- The user scrolls with virtualization enabled.
You can also call remote data through async
Find out how to get the applied by filtering and grouping criteria.
When using OnRead
, make sure to set TItem
and TValue
You can also debounce the service calls and implement minimum filter length.
Custom Data according to the user input in the ComboBox
handler should change only the data of the component, and not other parameters such asValue
. This can lead to issues with the asynchronous nature of the event, and race conditions can occur with the arrival of the new data. Moreover, such a change is likely to be unexpected by the user and cause bad UX.
<TelerikMultiColumnComboBox TItem="@SuggestionsModel" TValue="int"
Placeholder="Type anything">
<MultiColumnComboBoxColumn Field="@nameof(SuggestionsModel.SuggestionId)"></MultiColumnComboBoxColumn>
<MultiColumnComboBoxColumn Field="@nameof(SuggestionsModel.SuggestionText)"></MultiColumnComboBoxColumn>
@code {
public int SelectedValue { get; set; }
async Task ReadItems(MultiColumnComboBoxReadEventArgs args)
if (args.Request.Filters.Count > 0) // wait for user input to load data
Telerik.DataSource.FilterDescriptor filter = args.Request.Filters[0] as Telerik.DataSource.FilterDescriptor;
string userInput = filter.Value.ToString();
string method = filter.Operator.ToString();
//new data collection comes down from the service
args.Data = await GetOptions(userInput, method);
// when there is no user input you may still want to provide data
// in this example we just hardcode a few items, you can either fetch all the data
// or you can provide some subset of most common items, or something based on the business logic
args.Data = new List<SuggestionsModel>()
new SuggestionsModel()
SuggestionId = 1,
SuggestionText = "option 1"
new SuggestionsModel()
SuggestionId = 2,
SuggestionText = "option 2"
new SuggestionsModel()
SuggestionId = 3,
SuggestionText = "option 3"
async Task<List<SuggestionsModel>> GetOptions(string userInput, string filterOperator)
await Task.Delay(500); // simulate network delay, remove it for a real app
//dummy suggestions
//for brevity, this example does not use the filter operator, but your actual service can
List<SuggestionsModel> optionsData = new List<SuggestionsModel>();
for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++)
optionsData.Add(new SuggestionsModel()
SuggestionId = i,
SuggestionText = $"Option for user input {userInput}"
return optionsData;
public class SuggestionsModel
public int SuggestionId { get; set; }
public string SuggestionText { get; set; }
Custom sort of grouped data with OnRead
@using Telerik.DataSource.Extensions
@using Telerik.DataSource
<TelerikMultiColumnComboBox TItem="Car" TValue="int"
<MultiColumnComboBoxColumn Field="@nameof(Car.Id)" Width="200px" />
<MultiColumnComboBoxColumn Field="@nameof(Car.Model)" Width="200px" />
<MultiColumnComboBoxColumn Field="@nameof(Car.Make)" Title="Manufacturer" Width="200px" />
@code {
int Value { get; set; }
List<Car> SourceData { get; set; } = new List<Car>
new Car { Id = 1, Make = "Audi", Model="A1" },
new Car { Id = 2, Make = "Audi", Model="A2" },
new Car { Id = 3, Make = "Audi", Model="A3" },
new Car { Id = 4, Make = "Audi", Model="A4" },
new Car { Id = 5, Make = "Audi", Model="A5" },
new Car { Id = 6, Make = "Audi", Model="A6" },
new Car { Id = 7, Make = "BMW", Model="1" },
new Car { Id = 8, Make = "BMW", Model="2" },
new Car { Id = 9, Make = "BMW", Model="3" },
new Car { Id = 10, Make = "BMW", Model="5" },
new Car { Id = 11, Make = "Mercedes", Model="A" },
new Car { Id = 12, Make = "Mercedes", Model="C" },
new Car { Id = 13, Make = "Mercedes", Model="S" },
new Car { Id = 14, Make = "Mercedes", Model="E" },
new Car { Id = 15, Make = "Mercedes", Model="AMG" },
new Car { Id = 16, Make = "Mercedes", Model="CLA" }
protected async Task ReadItems(MultiColumnComboBoxReadEventArgs args)
await Task.Delay(200);
var datasourceResult = SourceData.ToDataSourceResult(args.Request);
//custom sorting section
var sortedData = datasourceResult.Data.Cast<AggregateFunctionsGroup>().ToList();
sortedData.Sort((a, b) =>
if (a.Key.ToString() == "Audi" && b.Key.ToString() == "BMW")
return 1;
return 0;
args.Data = sortedData;
public class Car
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Make { get; set; }
public string Model { get; set; }
The OnOpen
event fires before the MultiColumnComboBox popup renders.
The event handler receives as an argument an MultiColumnComboBoxOpenEventArgs
object that contains:
Property | Description |
IsCancelled | Set the IsCancelled property to true to cancel the opening of the popup. |
<TelerikMultiColumnComboBox Data="@Items"
<MultiColumnComboBoxColumn Field="@nameof(ItemDescriptor.ItemId)" Title="Item Id"></MultiColumnComboBoxColumn>
<MultiColumnComboBoxColumn Field="@nameof(ItemDescriptor.ItemText)" Title="Text"></MultiColumnComboBoxColumn>
@code {
private int MultiColumnComboBoxValue { get; set; } = new();
private void OnMultiColumnComboBoxPopupOpen(MultiColumnComboBoxOpenEventArgs args)
//set the IsCancelled to true to cancel the OnOpen event
args.IsCancelled = false;
private List<ItemDescriptor> Items { get; set; } = Enumerable.Range(1, 50).Select(x => new ItemDescriptor()
ItemId = x,
ItemText = $"Item {x}"
public class ItemDescriptor
public int ItemId { get; set; }
public string ItemText { get; set; }
The OnClose
event fires before the MultiColumnComboBox popup closes.
The event handler receives as an argument an MultiColumnComboBoxCloseEventArgs
object that contains:
Property | Description |
IsCancelled | Set the IsCancelled property to true to cancel the closing of the popup. |
@* Cancel the OnClose event based on a condition *@
<TelerikMultiColumnComboBox Data="@Items"
<MultiColumnComboBoxColumn Field="@nameof(ItemDescriptor.ItemId)" Title="Item Id"></MultiColumnComboBoxColumn>
<MultiColumnComboBoxColumn Field="@nameof(ItemDescriptor.ItemText)" Title="Text"></MultiColumnComboBoxColumn>
@code {
private int MultiColumnComboBoxValue { get; set; } = new();
private void OnMultiColumnComboBoxPopupClose(MultiColumnComboBoxCloseEventArgs args)
//cancel the OnClose event based on a condition
if (MultiColumnComboBoxValue == 2)
args.IsCancelled = true;
private List<ItemDescriptor> Items { get; set; } = Enumerable.Range(1, 50).Select(x => new ItemDescriptor()
ItemId = x,
ItemText = $"Item {x}"
public class ItemDescriptor
public int ItemId { get; set; }
public string ItemText { get; set; }
The OnBlur
event fires when the component loses focus.
Handle the OnBlur event
<TelerikMultiColumnComboBox Data="@MultiComboData"
<MultiColumnComboBoxColumn Field="@nameof(SampleData.Id)" Title="The id"></MultiColumnComboBoxColumn>
<MultiColumnComboBoxColumn Field="@nameof(SampleData.Name)" Title="The name"></MultiColumnComboBoxColumn>
@code {
private string result;
private void OnBlurHandler()
result = $"The user entered: {(int)BoundValue}";
public int BoundValue { get; set; }
public List<SampleData> MultiComboData { get; set; } = Enumerable.Range(0, 30).Select(x => new SampleData()
Id = x,
Name = "Name " + x
public class SampleData
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }