
Describes an aggregate.

Represents an aggregate function.

Gets the AggregateFunction with the specified function name.

The group aggregation functions and results

Information for aggregates on the data.

Gets the first AggregateResult which FunctionName is equal to functionName.

AVERAGE aggregation function

Internal helper class used to generate dynamic classes

Represents a filtering descriptor which serves as a container for one or more child filtering descriptors.

COUNT aggregation function

Provides information about paging, sorting, filtering and grouping of data. Usually created by a Telerik component and sent to a backend that will consume this data. Often used together with the DataSourceResult class that can automatically perform the needed operations over the full set of data.

Represents the data response for complex controls like grids. Includes data, total, aggregates and errors.

Class that describes a dynamic property

Logical operator used for filter descriptor composition.

Describes a filter descriptor

Represents declarative filtering.

Base class for all IFilterDescriptor used for handling the logic for property changed notifications.

Represents collection of IFilterDescriptor.

Extensions for the filter descriptors

Creates a list of filter descriptors based on the provided string representation

Operator used in FilterDescriptor

FIRST OR DEFAULT aggregation function


Describes a group

Represents grouping criteria.

Represents a filtering abstraction that knows how to create predicate filtering expression.


Describes a group

Describes an object that must be serializable for JavaScript

Describes an object that is serializable to JSON

LAST OR DEFAULT aggregation function

Specifies the direction of a sort operation.

MAX aggregation function

MIN aggregation function

Represents declarative sorting.

SUM aggregation function

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