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Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX

What's New R1 2023

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New Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX Signature Component

Empower users to draw a signature using a mouse or hand gesture on touch devices, leveraging the brand-new Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX Signature component. ASP.NET Webform users can benefit from multiple features to customize their signatures and adapt them to their needs, including size, border radius, line and background color and fill mode.

Learn more in the Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX Signature component demo


Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX DropDownList Enhanced with DropDown AutoWidth Property

Dynamically resize the dropdown element by simply enabling the DropDownAutoWidth property in the Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX DropDownList. It automatically sets the component width to the width of the largest DropDownList item. Additionally, the property is integrated with Filter and Load On Demand functionality.

See the ASP.NET AJAX DropDown AutoWidth property demo


ASP.NET AJAX SearchBox Now Enriched with ItemSelect Event

The Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX SearchBox component is enhanced with an ItemSelect client-side event, triggered when an item from the search context dropdown is selected. It also contains information about the selected item.

See the ASP.NET AJAX SearchBox ItemSelect demo


Accessibility Improvements in Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX

With R1 2023, we’re further improving the components accessibility compliance with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 at Level AAA. We’ve implemented multiple improvements in the Grid, Scheduler, ComboBox, TextBox, NumericTextBox, DateInput, DatePicker, DateTimePicker, TimePicker, Calendar, MediaPlayer and CloudUpload controls, ensuring web content is accessible to people with disabilities.

Accessibility Improvements in Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX

Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX: Document Processing Libraries Updates

Table of Contents in RadWordsProcessing: With R1 2023, the Telerik WordsProcessing library gets a brand-new addition: Table of Contents. Enable end users to quickly add a table of contents to the RadFlowDocument document and use heading styles, other specified styles, outline levels, captions or entries specified by the TC (Table of Contents Entry) fields. To learn more, check out the documentation.

New Search API in the RadPdfProcessing library: The updated search API offers the capability to search for specific text within PDF files, utilizing various methods to tailor search criteria and even searching using regular expressions. The search results provide the page and location of the searched text. For more information on this feature, please refer to the Document Processing Search section in the documentation.

New Encryption mode supported in the RadPdfProcessing library: With the R1 2023 developer tools release, the Telerik PdfProcessing library supports the following encryption algorithms:

  • For import: RC4 (V2), AES-128 (AESV2), AES-256 (AESV3)
  • For export: RC4 (V2), AES-256 (AESV3)

Refer to the PDF Processing Export Settings for more information.

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