Disable Automatic Approval and Publishing of Uploaded Files
Telerik Web Parts for SharePoint 2010 last build was R1 2023 SP2 and is discontinued since then.
In SharePoint 2010, if a library is set to support content approval or to create a version each time you edit a file, all the files uploaded through the RadEditor for SP2010's dialogs (provided by Telerik), are Approved respectively Published.
The user can control this behavior by setting the SPOptions-EnableAutomaticApprove and SPOptions-EnableAutomaticPublish properties to true or false.
In order to disable automatic Approval / Publishing of uploaded files you need to modify theConfigFile.xml, which is located in the /Program Files/Common Files/Microsoft Shared/web server extensions/wpresources/RadEditorSharePoint/6.x.x.0__1f131a624888eeed/Resources/ folder.
Add the following code:
<property name="SPOptions-EnableAutomaticApprove">false</property>
<property name="SPOptions-EnableAutomaticPublish">false</property>
SharePoint forms scenario (Lists, Blogs, etc.)
You need to modify the ListConfigFile.xml located in the same folder.