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Understanding the Skin CSS File

Styles for RadControls are defined using Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) syntax. Each style consists of a selector that identifies an HTML element to be styled, and property/value pairs that describe each of the style specifics, e.g. color, padding, margins, etc. For example, the ".RadToolBar_Green_Horizontal" style shown below sets the background color of the toolbar:

.RadToolBar_Green_Horizontal{ background: #90cc90;}

See the CSS Skin FileSelectors topic for more information on the specific CSS selectors used for RadToolBar skins.

Each style maps to a "class" attribute in an HTML tag. For example, consider the excerpt from the HTML rendering of a toolbar shown below:

<div id="RadToolBar1" class="RadToolBar RadToolBar_Horizontal RadToolBar_Green RadToolBar_Green_Horizontal "
    style="z-index: 90000;">
    <!-- content of toolbar -->

The control is rendered as a DIV element with the classes "RadToolBar RadToolBar_Horizontal RadToolBar_Green RadToolBar_Green_Horizontal". The RadToolBar and RadToolBar_Horizontal classes are always applied. They define the basic presentation of the toolbar which is common for all skins. The RadToolBar_Green and RadToolBar_Green_Horizontal classes are applied because the Skin property of the toolbar is set to "Green".

If you set the Style or CssClass property of the toolbar, those settings are applied to this outer DIV element as well.

Tool Bar element

Immediately inside the outer DIV tag for the toolbar (shown above), the rendered toolbar has three more nested DIV elements:

<div class="rtbOuter">
    <div class="rtbMiddle">
        <div class="rtbInner">
            <!-- Tool bar content goes here -->

These classes are available for skins to achieve intricate effects in the shape of the toolbar. Most skin CSS files use these classes to apply background images to create the rounded edges of the toolbar.

Inside the three nested DIV tags, the toolbar uses an unordered list (LI) tag to manage the layout of the buttons in the toolbar:

<ul class="rtbUL">
    <!-- buttons go here -->

This UL tag always has the .rtbUL class applied.

Tool Bar Items

Each item in the toolbar is an LI element inside the UL tag:

<li class="rtbItem rtbBtn rtbChecked">
    <!-- Content of RadToolBarButton goes here -->
<li class="rtbItem rtbDropDown">
    <!-- Content of RadToolBarDropDown goes here -->
<li class="rtbItem rtbSplBtn">
    <!-- Content of RadToolBarSplitButton goes here -->

The LI element always has the .rtbItem class applied.In addition, the .rtbBtn, .rtbDropDown, or .rtbSplBtn class identifies the type of toolbar item. The LI element also gets classes applied based on the state of the item. These include .rtbChecked, .rtbDisabled, .rtbItemFocused, .rtbItemHovered, .rtbDropDownExpanded, and .rtbSplBtnExpanded.

Inside the LI element for an item in the toolbar is the A element for the button:

<a class="rtbWrap" href="#">
    <span class="rtbOut">
        <span class="rtbMid">
            <span class="rtbIn">
            <!-- button content goes here -->

The A element has the .rtbWrap class applied. If you assign a value to the CssClass or style properties of a button, these are applied at this level as well. Inside the A element are three nested SPAN elements, which the skin can use to achieve intricate effects on the shape of buttons. These have the .rtbOut, .rtbMid, and .rtbIn classes applied, as shown above.


The content of RadToolBarButton can include both an image and a text label:

<img alt="" src="Images/Cut.gif" class="rtbIcon" />
<span class="rtbText">Cut</span>

The image is rendered as an IMG element with the .rtbIcon class applied. The text label is rendered as another SPAN element with the .rtbText class applied.


The content of RadToolBarDropDown can include an image and a label, as well as the drop-down arrow:

<img alt="" src="Images/Palette.gif" class="rtbIcon" />
<span class="rtbText">Colors</span>
<span class="rtbChoiceArrow"></span>

As with RadToolBarButton, the image gets the .rtbIcon class applied and the text gets the .rtbText class applied. The drop-down arrow is a SPAN tag with the .rtbChoiceArrow class applied.


The content of RadToolBarSplitButton contains two SPAN elements: one for the button portion, and another for the drop-down arrow. The image and text label go inside the first SPAN:

<span class="rtbSplBtnActivator">
    <img alt="" src="Images/LeftJustify.gif" class="rtbIcon" />
    <span class="rtbText">Left Justify</span>
<span class="rtbChoiceArrow"></span>

The SPAN for the button portion gets the .rtbSplBtnActivator class applied. As with RadToolBarDropDown, the drop-down arrow gets the .rtbChoiceArrow class applied. Inside the SPAN for the button portion, the label and image are rendered just like with other toolbar items.

Drop-down lists are rendered as a DIV element immediately after the A element for the drop-down or split button:

<div class="rtbSlide" style="display: none;">
    <div class="RadToolBarDropDown RadToolBarDropDown_Green">
        <ul class="rtbActive rtbGroup">
            <li class="rtbItem">
                <a href="#" class="rtbWrap">
                    <img alt="" src="Images/First.gif" class="rtbIcon" />
                    <span class="rtbText">First</span> 
            <li class="rtbItem">
                 <a href="#" class="rtbWrap">
                    <img alt="" src="Images/Last.gif" class="rtbIcon" />
                    <span class="rtbText">Last</span> 

The first DIV for the drop-down has the .rtbSlide class applied. This is used for animation effects and can be ignored. Inside that is the main DIV for the drop-down list. It has the RadToolBarDropDown and RadToolBarDropDown_Green classes applied. The RadToolBarDropDown class is applied regardless of the skin, and defines the basic presentation for toolbar drop down lists common to all skins. The RadToolBarDropDown_Green class is applied because the Skin property is set to "Green".

Inside the DIV for the drop-down is a UL element with the .rtbGroup and .rtbActive classes applied. The items in this list are rendered like the buttons in the toolbar, but without the three nested SPAN elements that are used to style the "button" appearance. (the .rtbBtn class is also omitted).


Separators in drop-down lists are rendered as LI elements:

<li class="rtbSeparator"><span class="rtbText">_</span></li>

The LI element for a separator has the .rtbSeparator class applied. Note that the text of the separator is rendered as a SPAN element. The reason that the text does not appear is that most skins map the .rtbSeparator .rtbText selector to "display: none" to hide the text.

See Also