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CSS Skin File Selectors

The following table lists the CSS selectors and descriptions for RadToolBar style sheets.

Class NameElementDescription
RadToolBar_[Skin]e.g. RadToolBar_ OutlookDIVApplied to the root element of the toolbar.
RadToolBar_[Skin]_HorizontalDIVApplied to the root element of the toolbar when it has a horizontal orientation.
RadToolBar_[Skin]_VerticalDIVApplied to the root element of the toolbar when it has a vertical orientation.
.rtbOuterDIVApplied to the outermost of three nested DIV elements that enclose the toolbar. The three nested DIV elements are designed to work together for shaping the toolbar.
.rtbMiddleDIVApplied to the middle of three nested DIV elements that enclose the toolbar. The three nested DIV elements are designed to work together for shaping the toolbar.
.rtbInnerDIVApplied to the innermost of three nested DIV elements that enclose the toolbar. The three nested DIV elements are designed to work together for shaping the toolbar.
.rtbULULApplied to the UL element that manages the layout of the buttons in the toolbar.
.rtbItemLIApplied to the LI element that represents a single item in the toolbar or drop-down list.
.rtbBtnLIApplied to the LI element for a RadToolBarButton in the toolbar.
.rtbDropDownLIApplied to the LI element for a RadToolBarDropDown .
.rtbSplBtnLIApplied to the LI element for a RadToolBarSplitButton .
.rtbCheckedLIApplied to the LI element that represents a button in the "checked" state.
.rtbDisabledLIApplied to the LI element for a disabled item.
.rtbItemFocusedLIApplied to the LI element for an item when it has focus.
.rtbItemHoveredLIApplied to the LI element for an item when the mouse hovers over it.
.rtbSplBtnExpandedLIApplied to the LI element for a split button when its drop-down list is showing.
.rtbDropDownExpandedLIApplied to the LI element for a drop-down button when its drop-down list is showing.
.rtbWrapAApplied to the A element for an item in the toolbar or drop-down list.
.rtbOutSPANApplied to the outermost of three nested SPAN elements that represent an item in the toolbar. The three nested SPAN elements are designed to work together for shaping buttons.
.rtbMidSPANApplied to the middle of three nested SPAN elements that represent an item in the toolbar. The three nested SPAN elements are designed to work together for shaping buttons.
.rtbInSPANApplied to the innermost of three nested SPAN elements that represent an item in the toolbar. The three nested SPAN elements are designed to work together for shaping buttons.
.rtbSplBtnActivatorSPANApplied to the "button" portion of a split button (all but the drop-down arrow). This encloses the image and text label.
.rtbTextSPANApplied to the text label of an item in the toolbar or in a drop-down list.
.rtbIconIMGApplied to the image that labels an item in the toolbar or drop-down list.
.rtbChoiceArrowSPANApplied to drop-down arrow of a drop-down button or split button.
.RadToolBarDropDown_[Skin]DIVApplied to the drop-down list of a drop-down button or split button.
.rtbGroupULApplied to the UL element that lays out a drop-down list.
.rtbActiveULApplied to the UL element for a drop-down list when it is expanded.
.rtbItemHoveredLIApplied to a button in a drop-down list when the mouse hovers over it.
.rtbFocusedLIApplied to a button in a drop-down list when it has focus.
.rtbSeparatorLIApplied to a separator in a drop-down list.

See Also

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