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CSS Skin File Selectors
The following table lists the CSS selectors and descriptions for RadToolBar style sheets.
Class Name | Element | Description |
RadToolBar_[Skin]e.g. RadToolBar_ Outlook | DIV | Applied to the root element of the toolbar. |
RadToolBar_[Skin]_Horizontal | DIV | Applied to the root element of the toolbar when it has a horizontal orientation. |
RadToolBar_[Skin]_Vertical | DIV | Applied to the root element of the toolbar when it has a vertical orientation. |
.rtbOuter | DIV | Applied to the outermost of three nested DIV elements that enclose the toolbar. The three nested DIV elements are designed to work together for shaping the toolbar. |
.rtbMiddle | DIV | Applied to the middle of three nested DIV elements that enclose the toolbar. The three nested DIV elements are designed to work together for shaping the toolbar. |
.rtbInner | DIV | Applied to the innermost of three nested DIV elements that enclose the toolbar. The three nested DIV elements are designed to work together for shaping the toolbar. |
.rtbUL | UL | Applied to the UL element that manages the layout of the buttons in the toolbar. |
.rtbItem | LI | Applied to the LI element that represents a single item in the toolbar or drop-down list. |
.rtbBtn | LI | Applied to the LI element for a RadToolBarButton in the toolbar. |
.rtbDropDown | LI | Applied to the LI element for a RadToolBarDropDown . |
.rtbSplBtn | LI | Applied to the LI element for a RadToolBarSplitButton . |
.rtbChecked | LI | Applied to the LI element that represents a button in the "checked" state. |
.rtbDisabled | LI | Applied to the LI element for a disabled item. |
.rtbItemFocused | LI | Applied to the LI element for an item when it has focus. |
.rtbItemHovered | LI | Applied to the LI element for an item when the mouse hovers over it. |
.rtbSplBtnExpanded | LI | Applied to the LI element for a split button when its drop-down list is showing. |
.rtbDropDownExpanded | LI | Applied to the LI element for a drop-down button when its drop-down list is showing. |
.rtbWrap | A | Applied to the A element for an item in the toolbar or drop-down list. |
.rtbOut | SPAN | Applied to the outermost of three nested SPAN elements that represent an item in the toolbar. The three nested SPAN elements are designed to work together for shaping buttons. |
.rtbMid | SPAN | Applied to the middle of three nested SPAN elements that represent an item in the toolbar. The three nested SPAN elements are designed to work together for shaping buttons. |
.rtbIn | SPAN | Applied to the innermost of three nested SPAN elements that represent an item in the toolbar. The three nested SPAN elements are designed to work together for shaping buttons. |
.rtbSplBtnActivator | SPAN | Applied to the "button" portion of a split button (all but the drop-down arrow). This encloses the image and text label. |
.rtbText | SPAN | Applied to the text label of an item in the toolbar or in a drop-down list. |
.rtbIcon | IMG | Applied to the image that labels an item in the toolbar or drop-down list. |
.rtbChoiceArrow | SPAN | Applied to drop-down arrow of a drop-down button or split button. |
.RadToolBarDropDown_[Skin] | DIV | Applied to the drop-down list of a drop-down button or split button. |
.rtbGroup | UL | Applied to the UL element that lays out a drop-down list. |
.rtbActive | UL | Applied to the UL element for a drop-down list when it is expanded. |
.rtbItemHovered | LI | Applied to a button in a drop-down list when the mouse hovers over it. |
.rtbFocused | LI | Applied to a button in a drop-down list when it has focus. |
.rtbSeparator | LI | Applied to a separator in a drop-down list. |