Controlling Appearance
A number of properties let you control the look and feel of the RadTimePicker control:
The Skin property lets you specify a skin to set the overall look and feel of any of the controls. You can even assign separate skins to the embedded RadDatePicker, RadTimePicker and RadDateTimePicker controls.
You can use templates to add controls or HTML elements to parts of the RadTimeView control:
- On RadTimeView, you can provide templates for the individual time values and to the header and footer.
The ImagesPath property enables you to specify path to a directory that contains custom images which can replace the default ones. Note that in order for that property to work you need to also set EnableEmbeddedSkins="false".
Here is an example using the ImagesPath property:
<telerik:RadTimePicker RenderMode="Lightweight" EnableEmbeddedSkins="false" ImagesPath="~/Images" ID="RadTimePicker1" runat="server">
In addition to the properties mentioned above the RadTimePicker control provides the following options for further customization.
The layout of the embedded time view popup on RadTimePicker can be configured
The format of date and time values can be customized.
RadTimePicker supports JQuery fade-in/fade-out animation with predefined duration of 300ms (switched on by default). The animation is processed when the date picker popup is displayed/hidden or the fast navigation option of RadCalendar is used.
In order to change the duration of the animation, use the HideAnimation-Duration and ShowAnimation-Duration properties of RadTimePicker.
Following are some sample configurations:
<telerik:RadTimePicker RenderMode="Lightweight" ID="RadTimePicker1" runat="server">
<HideAnimation Duration="4444" />
<ShowAnimation Duration="1111" />
If RadTimePicker postbacks automatically (AutoPostBack property is set to true), the HideAnimation-Duration value is 0 and cannot be altered.