Controlling Layout
Use the Orientation property to control the basic orientation of the tab strip:
When Orientation is "HorizontalTop" (the default), tabs appear to extend from below. When tabs are selected, any child tabs appear in a row below the row containing the parent tab:
When Orientation "HorizontalBottom", tabs appear to extend from above. When tabs are selected, any child tabs appear in a row above the row containing the parent tab:
When Orientation is "VerticalLeft", the tabs appear to extend from the right. When tabs are selected, any child tabs appear in a stack below the entire stack of parent tabs:
When Orientation is "VerticalRight", the tabs appear to extend from the left. When tabs are selected, any child tabs appear in a stack below the entire stack of parent tabs:
You can break up the layout of tabs in a tab strip into groups by using the IsBreak property of the RadTab objects in the tab strip.
When you set the IsBreak property to True, the tab strip adds a break between that tab and the next tab in the tab strip. For tab strips with a horizontal orientation, this means that the remaining tabs appear on another row:
For tab strips with a vertical orientation, a gap appears between the tabs, but they remain in the same stack:
When the tab strip includes tabs with the IsBreak property set to True, you can use the ReorderTabsOnSelect property to ensure that the group that contains the selected tab is always on the bottom. This happens for both horizontal orientations:
and for vertical orientations:
You can also break up the layout of the tabs in a tab strip by using separators.Separators are tabs that have the IsSeparator property set to True. They display their text, but have an appearance that is distinct from the other tabs in the tab strip, and cannot be selected:
In a tab strip with a horizontal orientation, the separator divides the tabs into groups, but leaves them on the same row:
In a horizontal tab strip, if you set the text of a separator to an empty string, it has no visual effect. To create a gap with no text, set the separator Text property to " ".
In a tab strip with a vertical orientation, the separator appears on its own row:
In a vertical grid, if you set the text of a separator to an empty string, the tab strip looks the same as if the previous tab had IsBreak set to True .
You can add a separator with no text to the end of the tabs in a vertical tab strip to provide a gap between the parent tabs and the child tabs: