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Server-side Programming Overview

You can configure the settings of RadStepper and create its Steps in the code-behind via the Server-Side API of the control.

RadStepper Public Properties and Methods

For a list with the server-side properties and methods of the control, see the Server-Side API of the RadStepper class. You can also find it in the IntelliSense in Visual Studio.

Create a RadStepper in the Code-behind:

<asp:PlaceHolder ID="PlaceHolder1" runat="server"></asp:PlaceHolder>
protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e)
    var stepper = new RadStepper();
    stepper.ID = "RadStepper1";
    stepper.Skin = "Silk";
    stepper.Linear = false;
    stepper.Orientation = StepperOrientation.Vertical;
    stepper.DataBinding += new EventHandler(RadStepper1_DataBinding);
    stepper.Load += new EventHandler(RadStepper1_Load);


protected void RadStepper1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    if (!IsPostBack)
        (sender as RadStepper).DataBind();

protected void RadStepper1_DataBinding(object sender, EventArgs e)
    var stepper = (sender as RadStepper);

private IEnumerable<StepperStep> GetStepperSteps(object dataSource)
    var result = new List<StepperStep>();

    result.Add(new StepperStep() { Label = "Home", Icon = "home", Error = true });
    result.Add(new StepperStep() { Label = "Settings", Icon = "gear", Enabled = false });
    result.Add(new StepperStep() { Label = "Attachments", Icon = "attachment", Selected = true });
    result.Add(new StepperStep() { Label = "Save", Icon = "save" });

    return result;

See Also