This article lists the client-side events of the RadStepper and how to use them.
All events follow the MS AJAX client events convention and receive two arguments:
- the RadStepper instance that raised the event.event arguments
- event-specific data provided to the developer.
RadStepper is a wrapper over the Kendo UI Stepper widget and so it exposes the client events and data it does. You can find a list below.
The event data is wrapped according to the MS AJAX conventions and the fields you can see in the underlying Kendo Widget are available through a method like
in theevent arguments
argument of the handler (that is, the second argument the event handler receives). To cancel a cancelable event, you must call itsargs.set_cancel(true);
The exceptions are the OnInitialize and OnLoad events that are specific to the MS AJAX framework.
Listing 1: The client-side events exposed by RadStepper
OnInitialize — Fired just before the RadStepper client-side object is initialized.
OnLoad — Fired when RadStepper is initialized and loaded on the page.
OnStepSelected — Fires when the user clicks on a Step to select it. (Cancelable event)
OnStepSelecting — Fires when a new Step has been selected upon user interaction.
Example 1: Store a reference to the client-side object through the OnLoad event
var stepper, kendoStepper;
function OnLoad(sender, args) {
stepper = sender; //the RadStepper
kendoStepper = sender.get_kendoWidget(); //the underlying Kendo Stepper widget
<telerik:RadStepper runat="server" ID="RadStepper1">
<ClientEvents OnLoad="OnLoad" />
Example 2: Get the data associated with the activated Step
function onStepSelecting(sender, args) {
//kendo object of the activated step
var step = args.get_step()
//client side object of the step properties
var stepProperties = step.options;
//access the desired step options
var labelText = stepProperties.label;
var iconName = stepProperties.icon;
var successIconName = stepProperties.successIcon;
var enabled = stepProperties.enabled;
var error = stepProperties.error;
<telerik:RadStepper runat="server" ID="RadStepper1">
<ClientEvents OnStepSelecting="onStepSelecting" />
<telerik:StepperStep Label ="Step 1"/>
<telerik:StepperStep Label ="Step 2"/>
<telerik:StepperStep Label ="Step 3"/>