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Right-to-left Support
The RadStepper supports right-to-left (RTL) language locales. In order to turn on the RTL support, you should set the dir="rtl" and add the "k-rtl" class to the parent element of the Control. The "k-rtl" class is needed to ensure the proper orientation of the Icons.
For example you can wrap the Stepper in a <div dir="rtl" class="k-rtl"> element:
<div dir="rtl" class="k-rtl">
<telerik:RadStepper runat="server" ID="RadStepper1" Skin="Silk" RenderMode="Lightweight" Width="750" ShowIndicator="true">
<telerik:StepperStep Label="Personal Info" Icon="user" />
<telerik:StepperStep Label="Education" Error="true" Icon="dictionary-add" />
<telerik:StepperStep Label="Experience" Icon="flip-vertical" Selected="true" />
<telerik:StepperStep Label="Attachments" Icon="attachment" SuccessIcon="success" />
<telerik:StepperStep Label="Review" Icon="preview" Enabled="true" />
<telerik:StepperStep Label="Submit" Icon="file-add" />