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RadSlidingZone Object
The following table lists the important RadSlidingZone client-side methods:
Name | Parameters | Return Type | Description |
get_splitter | none | RadSplitter | Returns the splitter to which the sliding zone belongs. |
isBottomDirection | none | boolean | Returns true if the slide direction is top to bottom, false otherwise. |
isTopDirection | none | boolean | Returns true if the slide direction is bottom to top, false otherwise. |
isLeftDirection | none | boolean | Returns true if the slide direction is right to left, false otherwise. |
isRightDirection | none | boolean | Returns true if the slide direction is left to right, false otherwise. |
getPaneById | string | RadSlidingPane | Return the RadSlidingPane object with the specified paneId or null of there is no such pane. |
get_dockedPaneId | none | string | Returns the ID of the currently docked pane, or null if there is no currently docked pane. |
get_expandedPaneId | none | string | Returns the ID of the currently expanded pane, or null if there is no currently expanded pane. |
getPanes | none | Array | Returns an array of all RadSlidingPane objects that the sliding zone holds. |
collapsePane | string | boolean | Collapses the pane with the specified ID. Returns true on success, false otherwise. |
expandPane | string | boolean | Expands the pane with the specified ID. Returns true on success, false otherwise. |
dockPane | string | boolean | Docks the pane with the specified ID. Returns true on success, false otherwise. |
undockPane | string | boolean | Undocks the pane with the specified ID. Returns true on success, false otherwise. |
get_clickToOpen | none | boolean | Returns whether the user must click on a tab to expand the corresponding sliding pane. |
set_clickToOpen | boolean | none | Sets whether the user must click on a tab to expand the corresponding sliding pane. |
get_slideDuration | none | integer | Returns the number of milliseconds the slide animation lasts. |
set_slideDuration | integer | none | Sets the number of milliseconds the slide animation lasts. |
get_height | none | integer | Returns the height of the sliding zone |
get_width | none | integer | Returns the width of the sliding zone |
get_resizeStep | none | integer | Returns the resize step for the resizable border on sliding panes inside the sliding zone. |
set_resizeStep | integer | none | Sets the resize step for the resizable border on sliding panes inside the sliding zone. |
getTabsContainer | none | HTML element | Returns the DOM element for the pane that holds the sliding zone tabs. |