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RadSplitter Object

The following table lists the important RadSplitter client-side methods:

NameParametersReturn TypeDescription
getContainerElementnoneHTML elementReturns the outermost DOM element used by the splitter.
getEndPanenoneRadPaneReturns the last pane in the splitter (the rightmost pane in a splitter with vertical orientation or bottommost pane in a splitter with horizontal orientation).
getStartPanenoneRadPaneReturns the first pane in the splitter (the leftmost pane in a splitter with vertical orientation or topmost pane in a splitter with horizontal orientation).
getPaneByIdstringRadPaneReturns the pane with the specified ID (if it exists), otherwise null.
getPaneByIndexintegerRadPaneReturns the pane at the specified position, counting from the left or top, where 0 is the index of the first pane. If there is no such pane, returns null.
getPanesnoneArrayReturns an array containing all the panes of the splitter, in order. Each array entry is a RadPane client-side object.
getSplitBarByIdstringRadSplitBarReturns the split bar with the specified ID (if it exists), otherwise null.
getSplitBarByIndexintegerRadSplitBarReturns the split bar at the specified position, where 0 is the position of the first split bar. If there is no such split bar, returns null.
getSplitBarsnoneArrayReturns an array containing all split bars in the splitter. Each array entry is a RadSplitBar client-side object.
getInnerHeightnoneintegerReturns the height of the splitter, excluding borders.
getInnerWidthnoneintegerReturns the width of the splitter, excluding borders.
get_heightnoneintegerReturns the height of the splitter, including borders.
set_heightintegernoneSets the height of the splitter.
get_widthnoneintegerReturns the width of the splitter, including borders.
set_widthintegernoneSets the width of the splitter.
resizeinteger, integernoneResizes the splitter to the specified width and height.
getMinHeightnoneintegerReturns the minimum height of the splitter.
getMaxHeightnoneintegerReturns an maximum height of the splitter.
getMinWidthnoneintegerReturns the minimum width of the splitter.
getMaxWidthnoneintegerReturns the maximum width of the splitter.
isVerticalnonebooleanReturns true if the splitter orientation is vertical, false if it is horizontal.
isNestednonebooleanReturns true if the splitter is nested as the only control inside a RadPane control, false otherwise.
get_liveResizenonebooleanReturns true if the splitter resizes panes in live mode, false if a separate drag image appears during resize operations.
set_liveResizebooleannoneSets whether the splitter resizes panes in live mode.
get_resizeModenoneintegerReturns the resize mode of the splitter, where: 1 = AdjacentPane; 2 = Proportional; 3 = EndPane
set_resizeModeintegernoneSets the resize mode of the splitter.

See Also

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