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RadSplitter Object
The following table lists the important RadSplitter client-side methods:
Name | Parameters | Return Type | Description |
getContainerElement | none | HTML element | Returns the outermost DOM element used by the splitter. |
getEndPane | none | RadPane | Returns the last pane in the splitter (the rightmost pane in a splitter with vertical orientation or bottommost pane in a splitter with horizontal orientation). |
getStartPane | none | RadPane | Returns the first pane in the splitter (the leftmost pane in a splitter with vertical orientation or topmost pane in a splitter with horizontal orientation). |
getPaneById | string | RadPane | Returns the pane with the specified ID (if it exists), otherwise null. |
getPaneByIndex | integer | RadPane | Returns the pane at the specified position, counting from the left or top, where 0 is the index of the first pane. If there is no such pane, returns null. |
getPanes | none | Array | Returns an array containing all the panes of the splitter, in order. Each array entry is a RadPane client-side object. |
getSplitBarById | string | RadSplitBar | Returns the split bar with the specified ID (if it exists), otherwise null. |
getSplitBarByIndex | integer | RadSplitBar | Returns the split bar at the specified position, where 0 is the position of the first split bar. If there is no such split bar, returns null. |
getSplitBars | none | Array | Returns an array containing all split bars in the splitter. Each array entry is a RadSplitBar client-side object. |
getInnerHeight | none | integer | Returns the height of the splitter, excluding borders. |
getInnerWidth | none | integer | Returns the width of the splitter, excluding borders. |
get_height | none | integer | Returns the height of the splitter, including borders. |
set_height | integer | none | Sets the height of the splitter. |
get_width | none | integer | Returns the width of the splitter, including borders. |
set_width | integer | none | Sets the width of the splitter. |
resize | integer, integer | none | Resizes the splitter to the specified width and height. |
getMinHeight | none | integer | Returns the minimum height of the splitter. |
getMaxHeight | none | integer | Returns an maximum height of the splitter. |
getMinWidth | none | integer | Returns the minimum width of the splitter. |
getMaxWidth | none | integer | Returns the maximum width of the splitter. |
isVertical | none | boolean | Returns true if the splitter orientation is vertical, false if it is horizontal. |
isNested | none | boolean | Returns true if the splitter is nested as the only control inside a RadPane control, false otherwise. |
get_liveResize | none | boolean | Returns true if the splitter resizes panes in live mode, false if a separate drag image appears during resize operations. |
set_liveResize | boolean | none | Sets whether the splitter resizes panes in live mode. |
get_resizeMode | none | integer | Returns the resize mode of the splitter, where: 1 = AdjacentPane; 2 = Proportional; 3 = EndPane |
set_resizeMode | integer | none | Sets the resize mode of the splitter. |