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RadSocialShare offers a set of built-in buttons that have consitent icon dimensions of 16px by 16px and their icons are simple and in the same style.They are called Styled Buttons as they utilize the public API that the different social networks provide and their appearance can be controlled by the developer. They are used via the <telerik:RadSocialButton /> tag and one of its properties controls which social network is used by the rendered button - the SocialNetType property.

The SocialNetType property is the only property that is required. Its value is an enumerator with the following options for the different social networks:

There are also three other options that invoke the e-mail functionality and open the compact buttons:

  • MailTo - opens the user machine's mail client

  • SendEmail - opens the built-in Send E-mail form in the browser

  • CompactButton - it is used to trigger the popup with the Compact Buttons collection.Unlike the <telerik:RadCompactButton /> this opens the popup with the settings declared for the browser popup (see below).

If any of the other options is chosen for the SocialNetType this invokes the Standard Button instead which is rendered by external scripts and the other properties do not apply.

The rest of the properties are listed below with their descriptions:

  • UrlToShare - the URL sent to the social network or e-mail. If the property is set here it overrides the one set in the main tag

  • ToolTip - sets the button's tooltip. If a label is set this also applies to the label. The default tooltips depends on the social network

  • LabelText - sets the text that appears next to the button as a label. It is also clickable and acts as a button

  • CustomIconUrl - sets an URL for a custom icon for the button

  • CustomIconWidth - sets the width of the icon in pixels

  • CustomIconHeight - sets the height of the icon in pixels

  • DialogWidth - defines the width of the popup in pixels

  • DialogHeight - defines the height of the popup in pixels

  • DialogTop - defines the popup's vertical offset from the top edge of the screen in pixels

  • DialogLeft - defines the popup's horizontal offset from the left edge of the screen in pixels

See Also

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